Notable Features
Fiery red hair and burn scars that just barely peek out from his collar.Personal Style
Sean dresses well for a street guy but no one will ever confuse him for wealthy or refined. Sean looks weathered and a nice suit can't take away from what time and circumstances have done to him physically. Sometimes it seems like putting lipstick on a pig, especially if he hasn't shaved, but the suit communicates power and so, he wears one, even if it's a bit dated.Circumstances
It's slow sledding for an Irishman to make his way in London by earning respect, much less winning any hearts. Sean has been building his army of sycophants and rooting out all naysayers with gruesome force. Fear is the only way for a man like Sean to make a name for himself. Those in Limehouse who accept his offer to come under his wing benefit greatly from the spoils of massacring and running off anyone who refuses him. The disenfranchised and marginalized flock to Sean who isn't playing by the same street rules as everyone else. Sean is building an army and trying to provoke the Black Powder Gang to war.Health & Capabilities
Sean doesn't eat well. The scars and injuries of his past have thinned him out. Still, he has no quit in him when it comes to physical limits or enduring pain. So he can fight and fuck perfectly fine, which seems to be all the man cares to do. His burn scars which remain 98% hidden by his clothing, never seemed to heal fully and in extreme weather it feels like they are contracting or expanding which leads to considerable pain.Socioeconomics
Sean doesn't have much in the way of assets. He always has cash he can get his hands on but he sleeps in a donated, poor quality apartment in Limehouse near the Green Street headquarters. He never wants for anything as the leader of the Green Street Gang but he has nothing officially to his name.Sean has the means to try to cross over into high society if he wanted to but due to the dirty nature of his work and his reputation, whenever he does make an appearance he's treated like a spider that's wandered into the house.
Skills & Talents
Political espionage
Skilled Orator
Natural leader
Present Relationships
Blair Mcgee - Green StreetCillian Conroy - Green Street
PugilismRoman History
Racing - Horse and dog tracks
Habits & Routines
Sean has regular run-ins with all business owners in his territory collecting protection payments. He is often at the track or some poker table. He holds court in Limehouse like the King of the slums.Personality
Sean sees everything and everyone as a means to an end. He is economic with his relationships and judges everything by cost/benefit. You can be of great use to Sean and be warmed by his presence but be on the outside, or dead, just as quickly.Background
Sean was born to poor, uneducated parents in Cork and was destined to live and die just the same as them. There wasn't much in the way of hope for someone like Sean. He was too concerned with the fact he was starving all the time, his stomach practically touching his spine. As a young boy his father was arrested and sentenced to death for his participation in the failed Fenian rising of 1867. No executions ever took place but his father died in prison and the Donoghue family was left in dire need.A letter from John O'Mahony, one of the founders of the Irish Republican Brotherhood came from America where he was campaigning for Irish freedom. O'Mahony was educated and had lost his status and wealth in the name of a cause and the letter he wrote praising Sean's father's sacrifice and fiery words about the glory of Ireland sent Sean down a path that would take him out of poverty and obscurity and into the violent fight for independence.
Sean received an informal but invaluable education and became known for being passionate and well-spoken. What made the IRB invest in him though, was his taste for violence. Speeches were great but what would shake the imperialists in London would be fire and death, not monologues. Bombings and burnings became more frequent and Sean developed a reputation of trust with the organization.
Sean, groomed as a young hurting child to see London the great evil and the cause for all his pain, was singularly focused on their destruction. For him, it wasn't actually about Ireland. The IRB was just a tool to get him weapons, bombs and other angry young men to assault English interests in Ireland.
Sean left his home as a young man and never looked back on his family again. He never fell in love. He never made a true friend. He never held a cherished memory of Ireland. Except for his father. He held no ties to anyone or anything except for the memory of his father which was the fuel for all of his rage.
He didn't even falter when a bombing attempt went sideways and he took the brunt of a fiery explosion to his midsection. He was never properly hospitalized and the burns scarred awfully over his chest, back and left shoulder which can still cause him pain. He could backed away then but instead, the near death experience just made him bolder; made him want to speed up the timeline.
That's when his strategy changed and his eyes went to London itself. In 1884 Sean and his radicals cannibalized an Irish street gang operating in London and used its infrastructure to set up operations for a direct connection with the IRB. The street gang itself was the front for Sean's true motives. Oddly enough, terrorizing London in the name of money and sex doesn't get you all that much negative attention from the powers that be.
Sean is just allowing himself the taste of women since coming to London and embracing his gangster persona. Any romance would be shallow but he could have a loyal IRB member who can get under his scarred layers or just someone drawn to the magnetic speaker.Friends
Rare actual friendships, but fellow gang members or those sympathetic to his cause. Someone in his web or with mutual enemies.Antagonism
Rival gangs, all high society, nobility and law enforcement.Last Active
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