[Adult] The shape of my disgrace

Rosie & Tim - Tim's Apartment - Late-November 1887
Epicenter of East End Life. Includes: Tenements, the Docks, Whitechapel Road Market.
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Written by Keaton
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Ambrose Wilkes
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Posts: 39
Joined: 06 Dec 2024, 09:37
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What type of account is this?: Character
Character's Tag: Ambrose-Wilkes
Face Claim: Richard Armitage
Nationality: English
Date of Birth: 27 October 1847
Visible Age: Early 40s
Height: 6'
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Occupation: Pimp, Gang Leader
Relationship Status: Unavailable
Explicit Content: Yes
Do you want to use the Plotting profile block?: No
Player Name: Keaton
Player Account Number: 2
Quote: My heart is gold and my hands are cold
No-Goes: Not much
Banner Image: https://i.imgur.com/8JObgif.png
Sidebar Image: https://i.imgur.com/WdAq76h.png
Profile Collage Image 2: https://i.imgur.com/fvmFuWq.png
Profile Collage Image 3: https://i.imgur.com/9jznfS6.png
Of all the scrambling efforts to entice Rosie to stay a little longer, the outstretched hand cupping a few pennies for a whore might have been the most insulting. Hand poised on the knob, Rosie twisted back and let his pale eyes take in the proffered payment before he lifted them to Mouse's face.

"She's been paid," he said, and could not help the frustrated flutter of his eyelids. This man may have known of him, but it was clear he did not know Ambrose Wilkes at all beyond the scantest of Irish-bent reputations. "Keep your coin, Mouse. Use it to buy something to numb your prick. I reckon you'll need it before I see you next."
word count: 121
Written by Levi
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Timothy Anderson
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Joined: 06 Dec 2024, 01:42
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What type of account is this?: Character
Character's Tag: Timothy-Anderson
Face Claim: Anthony Boyle
Nationality: Irish
Date of Birth: 25 December 1853
Visible Age: Mid 30s
Height: 5'7"
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Detective Inspector
Relationship Status: Secretly Involved
Explicit Content: Yes
Do you want to use the Plotting profile block?: Yes
Player Name: Levi
Player Account Number: 58
Quote: There is a certain clinical satisfaction in seeing just how bad things can get.
No-Goes: N/A
Banner Image: https://i.imgur.com/QQ7lM2o.jpg
Sidebar Image: https://i.imgur.com/Un2xlB3.jpg
Profile Collage Image 2: https://i.imgur.com/xUw7b7f.png
Profile Collage Image 3: https://i.imgur.com/QbRhkUk.png
Tim would admit it, at least to himself: There was a petty satisfaction to seeing something break through that all-too-cool exterior. As small a victory as it was, he would take it.

"I don't want any of your charity. It was my bill to pay." But his hand dropped in spite of his continued frustration. He would simply have to see it to the Goose himself. It was for the better, anyway. At least he'd be able to apologize to Lucinda, or have someone pass an apology along.

The insistence that they would see each other again was clearly baseless. They wouldn't – couldn't – see each other again. Tim valued his life too much for that. "Yeah, well, that'll be some time coming." The barest edge of Belfast bled into his voice, any attempt at marshaling his feelings abandoned. It didn't matter if Wilkes saw the frustration; maybe it was for the best that he was reminded that it wasn't just an Irish name he'd fucked, witting or no.

Shoving the coins back into his pocket, Tim snatched up his own cup to take to the washboard in the kitchen, refusing to waste another second of his time on the infuriating man.
word count: 211
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