Who: Zelda Rhodes & Jesús de Torres y Pineda
When: Summer of 1858
Where: Bloomsbury, the Rhodes family home
When: Summer of 1858
Where: Bloomsbury, the Rhodes family home
Historical: Zelda and Jesús have an encounter in her father's offices.
"Are you?" Zelda asked, voice more curious than biting, but she was then pulled forward across the desk as Jesús curled his fingers over her wrist. The movement caught her by surprise, and her breath hitched once in her throat before she'd steadied herself on her opposite palm. This was a new wrinkle in the ongoing and previously reliable dynamic of their relationship.
"I think you and I may have differing views on what qualifies as work," she said, and steadily held his dark gaze. He really was rather beautiful, and they were more than close enough for kissing now. Just a quick sway forward would close the distance between their mouths. She firmed her stance upon the floor instead, and her focus remained fixed.
"You really shouldn't suck on the end of your pen, Jesús," she said, ignoring his question as blithely as if he'd not asked. She lifted her free hand and thumbed across his bottom lip, where a smear of ink had been left by the nib. "You've made a mess of this lovely mouth. No one will ever want to kiss you like this, not even for a final goodbye." There were weeks yet before her departure, more than enough time for kissing and more should she allow it. Yet, if he disappointed her in bed, what a terrible going-away present that would be. No; better to maintain the status quo and satisfy herself with the thought of him and her own two hands.
word count: 287
Z. Rhodes