Fred is growing tired of being her father’s doll. She wants to be someone, whoever that might be, and stop being overshadowed by him. But in her search for something greater, she might uncover an unbearable truth. What will she do then?
Sir Angus Cruickshanks
Sir Angus has been the chief of the Special Irish Branch since its inauguration almost five years ago. Hand-picked for his unique skill set and dedication to the Metropolitan Police, he has faced an uphill battle to ensure his men have the resources and respect they need to do their jobs. Credited for the successful foiling of a Fenian plot during Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in the summer of 1887 (for which he was knighted), he has since had both more resources and more attention on him, and his men. Sharp of mind, wit, and tongue, Sir Angus leads by example, never asking his men to do anything that he wasn’t equally willing to do.
Agnes Moody
College-educated, Agnes “Nanny” Moody is only held back from a successful (lawful) career by her sex. Exceptionally intelligent, particularly with numbers, she’s the head bookkeeper and accountant for the 40 Lambs. Not a single penny is spent or earned by the gang without her being fully aware of it. Only two other people in the gang have more power than her, and even then they would be hard-pressed to continue with such success if something were to happen to Nanny.