Suddenly the Housekeeper of an upper-class London home in a period of unmatched upheaval, Tess Newman is determined to draw on her practical nature to see her way through. What she does not know is that yet more tragedy lays upon the horizon, which will test her fortitude to its extremes.
Lottie Payne
Mother to Ambrose Wilkes, leader of the Black Powder Gang, Lottie has not only survived the brutal affections of her former pimp and a career as a prostitute, but thrived. While she’s not officially part of the Black Powder Gang, it’s well known that she advises her son from time to time. She also acts as the house mother and madame of the Gun, protecting her girls and her son’s interests at the same time.
Felicité Findley
Felicité Findley is an aspiring artist (and sometimes, stunner licked upon the canvas) who hopes to find her own path to life through living beneath her older sister and her inherited house. With her sister having succumbed with grief for the sudden death of her sailor husband, Felicité ventured to London from Oxford in order to act as confidante and well meaning aid. But, as always, the life to adulthood is never quite so simple, and as the future begins to dawn on this aspiring young woman, Felicité worries that all she has worked toward has been done for nothing.
Emma Edevane
The Edevane Family is one full of secrets, turmoil and, quite ironically, love. Not from the father, nay, but a caring mother and insufferable siblings. And Emma, our dear Emma, is child number three, a lady that in the eyes of society is everything she is supposed to be. That is, until you meet what lies underneath a well-secured wall. Being raised with two older brothers, and no girls around to play, Emma has become quite the tomboy and, unfortunately, the always desired friend, and never a marriage prospect. However, even though her eyes might get caught in beauty, her heart is never easily won.
Ciel Fitzroy
A lot has changed from Ciel’s position as a Dowager Baroness in London earlier this year. Married to the Duke of Grafton, whom she was always so very close with, Ciel emerges into the new year as a new image of herself. If only marriage could make her so happy, and if only the decision had not been made in the hope of saving herself from a threat to her life! Though one must wonder why such a prestigious man would take her as a second wife at all.
Lila Scriven
One of the “Twins” that lead the 40 Lambs, Lila is the mastermind behind the entire enterprise. Though many consider her the ‘softer’ of the Twins, Lila is as ruthless as Beatrix, her ‘wife’. The daughter of an English soldier and his Indian wife, Lila has seen how society rejects those deemed lesser or different, and has resorted to carving out a place for herself and her family. Now that the gang has met with such wild success, her ambitions have grown accordingly. She will allow nothing to threaten the success and peace that she has worked so hard to create. All that matters is herself, her wife, and the family they have found.
“Mama” Beatrix Scriven
One of the “Twins” that lead the 40 Lambs, Beatrix is often known as “Mama” or “Mama Bea” by her “lambs,” the women that make up her gang. Beatrix is the leader who wields the iron fist. When the Twins get their hands dirty, it’s Beatrix’s hands that end up bloodiest. Though the concept of the gang and its success is largely due to the strategic mind of her other half, it’s Beatrix’s force of will and willingness to be brutal that has allowed the gang to flourish. She is not a woman of halves. She is devoted entirely to her ‘wife’ Lila, to the gang, and to seeing their power continue to grow.
Maggie Gladwin
Maggie is a maid who is usually sweet ray of country sunshine. However, she returns to London under a cloudy sky. Will the clouds clear for her or are there more storms on the horizon?
Amira St. Clair
FC: Tuppence Middleton
Mrs. Alice Johnson-Riley is an unassuming governess recently arrived from Boston. Looking to start over with a new life, she seeks employment with a respectable family, with impeccable references from New York. And it all looks perfectly ordinary on paper, does it not? A flawless referral delivered by a thirty-six-year-old woman with freckled skin and eyes a bewitching shade of hazel-green. A woman whose father named her Amira Hanım Andrews Al-Rashid, after his wife died shortly after bringing the tiny little girl into the world ahead of her time. A woman who certainly spent her time as a governess in her twenties — but whose current interests lie in providences that wax poetical. By law or by hand, ancient mysteries mixed up in recent tragedies, and the combination creates a woman with a singular agenda: find out who killed her family.
Adella Sturridge
The Countess of Ripon is a fast friend of anyone who will suffer her company and an annoyance of those of the in-crowd who would rather she keep to herself.