Known to be the calm eye of Sean Donoghue’s storm, Blair is an unassuming young man. If little is known about the head of the gang, less is known about Sean’s right-hand man. Seemingly bookish and reticent, Blair came along with Sean from Ireland, and immediately made a name for himself. He does not take prisoners, he does not grant mercy, and he will let absolutely nothing come between Sean and his ambitions. It is rumored that Blair is the Greenstreet member that killed the Black Powder that kicked off the rising tensions between the two gangs.
Daniel Goodwin
“Doctor” Daniel Goodwin is the son of a notable London physician, and if the cards had been weighted a bit more in his favor, he would’ve followed in his father’s footsteps. As it was, he made it almost all the way through medical school before falling prey to his worst habits. He failed his final exams, was expelled from the college, and has fallen in with the Black Powder Gang as their primary physician. The fact that he isn’t exactly a doctor doesn’t matter as much to them as it would to most, and it allows Daniel to feel like less of a failure. Win-win, as far as he’s concerned, and his family simply doesn’t need to know how he keeps food on his table or buys them expensive treats.