
the Mods

Characters currently in play, on hold, or wanted

Clicking on a character's image will take you to their profile page if they are currently active, or to their wanted post for easier reading if you do not want to hover.

Esme Ellis

Site Canon Character
Dowager Baroness Seaford
50s · Female
FC: Winona Ryder
Site Canon Character · Group: The Ellis/de Montmorencys

Married young to an abusive husband, Esme spent over thirty years grounding herself and doing her best to raise her sons: Elton, born when she was still a teenager, and Elliot, the long-awaited spare. Whatever storms the Viscount Seaford threw their way, Esme was determined to raise boys who were nothing like him. Two years ago a fever took the Viscount, but his death was not the instant relief Esme had always imagined — Now out of mourning, she is having to recalibrate her entire life and guide her sons, now men, through what it means to stand on their own two feet.

Christopher Hornsby-Talbot

Site Canon Character
18-20 · Male
FC: Maksymilian Barczak
Site Canon Character · Group: The Hornsby-Talbots

The reluctant heir to the Viscount Lisle, Christopher has lately had it made clear to him by his father that his marrying well is imperative to his sisters’ fortunes, for if they do not marry — And at least one has made it clear she would rather not — they shall become Christopher’s responsibility. You never know, Adler told him, when a little extra money comes in handy. Afraid to question this confounding line of thinking — They’re nobility and have plenty of money, don’t they? — Christopher nonetheless took on the recommendation with all solemnity. Never truly able to be the “youngest” despite his birth order, he finds himself burdened by the future more everyday.

Alethea Hornsby-Talbot

Site Canon Character
Early 20s · Female
FC: Rose McIver
Site Canon Character · Group: The Hornsby-Talbots

Born 16 minutes before her fraternal twin, Hadria, Alethea is the more introverted and subdued of the two. Where Hadria goes, Alethea follows, but always with a keen eye and a heaping dose of common sense to keep them both on the straight and narrow. Like her twin, Alethea favors pretty things, but enjoys quiet pleasures like art and nature more than parties. Someday, she knows, they two will be split apart by the necessity to marry — But until then she clings to the steadiness of their close relationship and the support of her family.

Hadria Hornsby-Talbot

Site Canon Character
Early 20s · Female
FC: Lucy Boynton
Site Canon Character · Group: The Hornsby-Talbots

Born 16 minutes after her fraternal twin sister, Alethea, Hadria has always happily taken on the role of “baby of the family” — Never mind that she has a younger brother. Known for her effervescent personality, Hadria is an extrovert with a particular eye for fashion and all things lovely. She and her twin have been out a few years now, but their mother has made clear they needn’t marry until they are ready — And who would ever want to give up parties and fun to settle down and raise babies?

Clementine Hornsby-Talbot

Site Canon Character
Mid-Late 20s · Female
FC: Haley Bennett
Site Canon Character · Group: The Hornsby-Talbots

Clementine is not on the shelf — YET. Raised by a mother who encouraged love matches where possible, Clementine fell head over heels for the third-born son of a wealthy member of the gentry. He wasn’t titled and had his sights set on joining the church and leading a modest life, but this suited Clementine just fine. They had been engaged two years when her betrothed took a fall from his horse and was instantly killed. Clementine mourned and then mourned some more, and has no interest in marrying anyone else. Lately, however, her father has been nudging her to rejoin the marriage mart, and she fears his reasoning is much worse than simply wanting her out of the house.

Eleanore Hornsby-Talbot

Site Canon Character
Viscountess Lisle
40s-50s · Female
FC: Naomi Watts
Site Canon Character · Group: The Hornsby-Talbots

A renowned beauty, Eleanore Gifford had her pick of bachelors upon her debut. Alton Hornsby-Talbot was titled, wealthy, and a rare love match. Their home has always been comfortable, and Eleanore has raised their four children to be bright and independent. Lately, however, something has shifted in her husband — He is keeping something from her, and she fears he is having an affair. Perhaps two can play at that game.

Adler Hornsby-Talbot

Site Canon Character
Viscount Lisle
50s · Male
FC: Ewan McGregor
Site Canon Character · Group: The Hornsby-Talbots

Affable and well-liked amongst nearly everyone, Adler Hornsby-Talbot’s easy smile and generous nature hides a difficult truth: After a disastrous investment decision, his family’s finances are in shambles, and he owes a great deal more than he can pay. He has kept everyone in the dark about their dire straits, including his own wife, pinning all hope on the prospects of his four children marrying well. If only the kids were as interested in the same.

Alderose Kinkade

Requested by Keaton · Associated with Augustus Kinkade
Late 20s-Mid 30s · Female · English · Gentlewoman
FC: Riley Keough · Non-Negotiable
Relationship: Family (Cousin)
Requested by Keaton · Associated with Augustus Kinkade

All of Gust’s favorite relations are female cousins, and Alderose sits at the tippy-top of the list. Born of an ill-advised love match and raised to be a free spirit, she is probably some kind of artist or musician. She and her mother are ignored by the broader family when they aren’t outright shunned, but it is Gust who holds the title, and Gust adores them both. I’m very open to personal details, so long as she’s a bit of a hippie and is smart as a whip. Oh, and please don’t call her Rosie for the sake of my own mental confusion. FC is non-negotiable, sorry! (Elvis’ granddaughter; don’t know why it didn’t occur before!)

Edward Findley

Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley
34 · Male · British · Owner of an upscale florists
FC: Jonathan Bailey · Non-Negotiable
Relationship: Family
Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley

Born into a newly forged family, Edward was cherished from his very first breath, and was the child to pave the way to what the rest of the family knew as certain. Encouraged to take life by the horns, Edward (can be known as Eddy, Edd or Teddy) has always been beloved by all who know him. From friends to family, his charming manner has even led the young man to reach out to their maternal family who disowned his mother for marrying down! Still, Edward is crafty, and though he tends to put his family first he also yearns for a life of success and ease. Afforded a spectacular education in the middle of Oxford, Edward is the very epitome of the modern man. But nothing comes with ease. As the charming nephew to the prestigious and almost outrageously rich Paulets, Edward has managed to squeeze the generosity of his mother’s relations to his advantage, and has set up a florist shop of his own. Through monetary aid and his own intelligence (good investments and connections forged by a silver tongue) , Edward is known among the gentry and the working class alike. He is rumoured to be Eloquent, Self-Reliant & Heroic… though one shouldn’t overlook his Deceptive, Greedy & Uncharitable. Everything else is up to you!

Annabella Findley

Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley
63 · Female · British · Housewife and Gentlewoman
FC: Kristen Scott-Thomas
Relationship: Family
Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley

Born to the grand house of Paulet, Annabella was meant to have a life of the utmost luxury. All she had to do was toe the line, all she really had to contend with was an arranged marriage and a future decorated with a bounty of children. The thing was, she met David, and the rest was history. Uninherited and disposed of by her family for not only eloping without her parents’ approval but also for marrying a man far beneath her social class, Annabella put all her eggs into David’s basket. Quickly they had one child after another, and reluctantly she allowed her husband to urge each one to live life head-on, without restriction or judgement. Still, Annabella was raised within a particular set of rules, and was quietly horrified when her youngest daughter yearned to become a free-thinking artist and her youngest son wished to become something of an actor! It takes strength of spirit to survive such a transition, but has Annabella begun to regret her choices in life? Or will she continue to quietly be her husband’s steadfast support, despite the fact that his own attention seems to be waning? She is glamorous, intelligent & steadfast. But also she can be dishonest, shallow & unappreciative at times.