
the Mods

Characters currently in play, on hold, or wanted

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Duncan Kinkade

Requested by Keaton · Associated with Augustus Kinkade
Late-Mid 20s · Male · English · Gentleman
FC: Igby Rigney · Negotiable
Relationship: Family (Brother)
Requested by Keaton · Associated with Augustus Kinkade

Duncan is the peace maker in his family, and overall a good egg. While his mother and middle brother having nothing but criticism for his eldest brother, Gust, Duncan remains steadfast in his affections and is known to defend Gust despite Gust insisting it’s not necessary. Duncan, like Hartley, has no idea of Gust’s secret past. There is child sexual abuse in play here, so please read Gust’s history before considering this character.

I think Igby really looks like he could be Austin’s brother, but I am open to other FCs if there is also a strong family resemblance.