The lucky bride in a love match that lasted over ten years, Philippa now finds herself a single mother to two girls and adrift without the steadying influence of her husband. The strictures of society and reality of their circumstances have placed her and her girls back in London, where Pippa will try to find her footing and discover herself anew.
Nikolaas van Lynden
The queer son of a Dutch count exiled into the ostensibly strict hands of his English relatives, Nik is a natural romantic attempting to wrest himself back from the control of addiction. He longs for connection and creativity, but fears this bleak country may provide very little of either.
Hepzibah Innes-Ker
A bluestocking through and through, Her Grace the Duchess of Roxburghe is considered an eccentric by some, and a disgrace by others. Married to her father’s best friend, who rescued her from a life of obscurity and destitution, she’s never had a lover of any kind, including the man she married. He wishes she would find one, thinks it would make her happy in a way Eppie has never fathomed, but with talents that lie more in the realm of science and medicine than social savvy, it remains to be seen if she shall ever catch the eye of someone she can care about in turn.
Augustus Kinkade
The Premier Viscount of England and known rake, Gust Kinkade is a man of contradictions. He is conscientious about his finances and role in Parliament, and kind to his tenants. He also tumbles through beds with aplomb, and has a reputation for carousing. Loyal to a fault, and shy of commitment. A bright and charming light with a dark and troubled history.
Arthur Beckwith
The valet to the Duke of Somerset, as matchless in his dedication to his work as he’s been in the quantity of his sexual exploits. From uncertain parentage he’s risen to nearly the highest realm of service, careful to keep his professional and private lives separate.
Timothy Anderson
An Irish immigrant, Tim has fought for everything he’s ever had. Even with the connections his adoptive father, Superintendent Joseph Warrens, Tim has worked extremely hard to prove that he is just as capable as any other member of the Met. While his birth family does have connections to the Fenians, he has done everything in his power to distance himself from them and their beliefs, including changing his surname when he moved to London. With a chip on his shoulder the size of a city block, he’s spent his entire career in the Met hiding who he is and where he came from, and endeavors to prove himself on a daily basis – even if he’s only proving himself to himself. Recently, he’s been tasked with investigating the Greenstreet Gang, the budding turf war with the Black Powders, and any possible connections there might be with Irish republican sympathizers.
Ambrose Wilkes
FC: Richard Armitage
The ambitious long-time leader of the Black Powder Gang, known as “The Earl of the East End.” From the seat of his popular brothel, the Gun, Rosie oversees a myriad of criminal operations, while spreading his success throughout the neighborhood as a bulwark against rival factions. Quiet and intense, with a soft spot for children and whores, he rules with a velvet fist and keeps his personal life strictly personal.