
the Mods

Characters currently in play, on hold, or wanted

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Estelle King

Requested by Louie · Associated with Darius King
26 · Female · British-French · Gentlewoman
FC: Layla Keating · Negotiable
Relationship: Familial
Requested by Louie · Associated with Darius King

Estelle has her brothers completely wrapped around her little finger, delighting in the chaos they create, especially when it comes to her impulsive twin, Lucien. With a confident flair and a clever wit, she navigates her world with the ease of being the one and only to have been spoiled by their father, basking in the knowledge that she can do no wrong in his eyes. This adoration has only fueled her ambitions, as she sets her sights on a grand career in the arts—be it singing, dancing, or playing music. After all, with a name that means “Star,” it’s only fitting that she shines brightly in whatever endeavor she chooses.

An extrovert at heart, Estelle possesses a playful deviousness that adds a touch of mischief to her charm, making her the life of any gathering. Her brother Darius, in particular, finds himself at most ease around her out of his siblings, and the two share a bond that is both teasing and supportive. Estelle has been raised by governesses her whole life, but that’s never stopped her from asking and learning about the woman her mother had been, and perhaps that’s what sparked her passion from an early age.

Sebastián King

Requested by Louie · Associated with Character Name
22 · Male · British-French · Gentleman
FC: Kit Young · Negotiable
Relationship: Familial
Requested by Louie · Associated with Darius King

Sebastián, affectionately known as Bash to his friends and family, embodies the essence of a young gentleman. An artist at heart, he always carries a notebook and pen tucked beneath his coat, ready for whenever the muse may strike. His kindness is both his greatest virtue and his most significant flaw; it often veers into naiveté. With an upbeat attitude, Bash eagerly pursues new experiences and adventures, though his enthusiasm sometimes leads him to stumble over the very steps he overlooked along the way.

Despite being the youngest of four, he wasn’t given as much pampering as one would expect. Instead, his childhood was spent shuffling from one governess to another, along with his older twins, Lucien and Estelle. From a young age, Bash had carried guilt for a crime he didn’t commit: his mother’s death. And through the years, that nagging feeling only festered against his father’s stoicism, and his eldest brother’s, Darius, apparent avoidance. But all this is about to change with the passing of his father and his brother’s arrival home to claim the title of a baron.

Zack Lowe

Site Canon Character
Runner/Courier for the London Review
18-Early 20s · Male
FC: Wyatt Oleff
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review

The son of a schoolmaster and teacher, Zack has managed to disappoint both of his parents by insisting upon entering the field of journalism since he was old enough to read the crime pages. His position at the London Review is his first in the field, and has turned out to be much less exciting than what he’d anticipated. Operating as a sort of “jack of all trades,” he acts as a courier, runs errands, brews tea, sweeps floors, and generally does anything needing doing at the Review offices. Still wide-eyed and a little naive, he has begged to shadow the crime reporters — Especially the famous Hugo Noble — but thus far no one has accepted his offer.

Alford “Ford” Fletcher

Site Canon Character
Political Reporter at the London Review
40s · Male
FC: Michael Sheen
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review

One of the only staff members to remain at the London Review after the switch to a new owner, Ford has been working the politics beat as long as he can remember. The son of a law clerk at a high-ranking firm, he was exposed to important names early around the dinner table, and began his career as an errand boy for the members of the House of Commons. He knows Parliament in and out, and spends the better part of his days within the actual buildings associated with it. His reporting is a bit dry, but straight-forward and thorough, and he somehow always finds nuggets to report on when the Houses are in recess. Never married, his dedication to his work has made it difficult to kindle relationships outside the halls of government or in the Review staff room.

Hugo Noble

Site Canon Character
Crime Reporter at the London Review
30s · Male
FC: Chiwetel Ejiofor
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review

A lifelong resident of London, Hugo grew up in a comfortable middle-class family, the son of a modestly successful grocer. His parents afforded him a good education, and he showed a knack early for keen observation that he translated into engaging stories. Since his twenties, he’s been knocking around various magazines and newspapers, often without a contract, but he has become one of the most savvy crime reporters in town. Lately he has a permanent place at the revamped London Review, and takes a great deal of pride in reporting stories of depth that provide an honest look at all sides of an event. He has been known to butt heads with his editor over wanting accuracy.

Viva Nevin

Site Canon Character
Advice Columnist at the London Review
30s · Female
FC: Jodie Whittaker
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review

The daughter of a moderately successful farmer, Viva moved to the city at age 20 to enter service as a maid in the London home of her family’s landlord. While she was well-prepared for the early mornings and long days, she had not anticipated how mundane and spirit-crushing service could be. She muddled through for about a decade, rising in the ranks, and eventually landed as the ladies maid to the Viscountess Pevensey. Her new mistress was bold and exciting, and encouraged Viva to speak her mind freely. She must have said something right, for when the Countess took the helm of the Review, she offered Viva a position there. Writing under the pseudonym “E.V. Nevin,” she answers inquires (and sometimes makes them up if the week has been slow) offering down-to-earth and practical advice about everything from interpersonal relationships to how best to fry an egg.

Olive Booker

Site Canon Character
Society Reporter at the London Review
30s · Female
FC: Emily Blunt
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review

The widow of a struggling member of the gentry and daughter of a baron not much better off, Olive has known all her life that if she was to be properly supported, she would have to ensure her future herself. While her father squandered their family money, his title still opened doors for her, and now that she is staring down a pitiful annuity following her husband’s death, she has seized the opportunity to become the revamped London Review society reporter. Writing anonymously under the name Lady Tattleton, she has been perfecting a balance of building friendships amongst the nobility whilst projecting an aura of harmlessness so that they confess their deepest secrets. Her columns are the most popular in the paper.

Leola Holroyd

Site Canon Character
Viscountess Pevensey
40s-50s · Female
FC: Tilda Swinton
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review

Widely known as an eccentric, the Viscountess Pevensey married well, produced her elderly husband no heirs for his failing line, and reaped the benefits of a doting spouse upon his death. With the exception of a manor house and land belonging to the crown, she got everything: Multiple expensive residences, generations’ worth of antiques, a massive yearly income, and maybe most saliently, The London Review, a weekly newspaper she has turned into her pet project.

Sterling Kildare

Site Canon Character
Editor at the London Review
40s · Male
FC: Tom Hiddleston
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review

With a given name as aspirational as “Sterling,” maybe it is no surprise that Kildare clawed his way from his working-class childhood into editor’s chair of a known, if struggling, London weekly. He navigates the Review with a keen mind and sharp eye, and is ruthless about what belongs in the paper and what doesn’t. The owner has insisted upon only truthful reporting, but Sterling knows, too, that the truth isn’t always what sells papers.

Jeremiah Cohen

Requested by Chelsey · Associated with Skye McDaniels
40s · Male · British by place of birth · Enforcer at the Moth & Lantern
FC: Joel Kinneman · Negotiable
Relationship: Employee and friend
Requested by Chelsey · Associated with Skye McDaniels

Jeremiah Cohen doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for who he is or why he does what he does. Born to Polish-Lithuanian Jewish immigrants in Whitechapel, he grew up in the narrow, crowded tenements of Wentworth Street where Yiddish and cockney mixed in the streets, and survival was its own kind of trade. His father, a tailor, spent his life bent over a workbench, always believing things would get easier. His mother knew better—she was the one who six mouths fed, who understood that waiting for fairness was a fool’s game. Jeremiah learned fast that if you weren’t strong enough, you had to be useful; and if you weren’t either, you were nothing. By the time he was a teenager, he had carved out his own space in Whitechapel’s economy, running messages, handling deliveries, and keeping the wrong people from pushing in where they weren’t wanted. He never planned on making a living with his fists, but by the time he was working the door of The Gilded Cage, he had stopped pretending that knowing how to fight wasn’t an asset. That was where he crossed paths with Skye McDaniels, and where, in 1873, they spilled blood together for the first time. But when she left the Cage in 1878, he stayed behind. He had his own work, his own space. Nevertheless, when she came back in 1883 and asked if he wanted a job, he didn’t hesitate.

Now, he keeps The Moth & Lantern in order—running security, managing business, handling the things that don’t make it onto the books. He keeps Skye from going under and her twin, Eoin, from getting himself killed too soon, and he doesn’t pretend there’s a moral dilemma in that. He’s never been interested in making himself easy to understand, and whatever holds him here, it’s his choice.