
the Mods

Characters currently in play, on hold, or wanted

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Ippolita Celetti

Primadonna Soprano, Royal Opera
25-30s · Female
Played by Freddie
FC: Ana de Armas
Played by Freddie

Of all the children of Ottaviu and Maria Celetti (born Castellano), it was Ippolita who inherited both talent and looks. Quick to rise to fame due to the jump start graciously provided by her parents’ careers, she managed to stay at the top thanks to talent and perseverance alone. Fifteen years later, if there is one thing that Ippolita cannot wrestle, that is the inevitable passage of time and the loathsome thought of her impending replacement, which is precisely why she has amassed a great retirement fund or, as she likes to call it, dowry, though she’d very much rather invest it in a smart business to ensure a comfortable rest of her life.