In a similar fashion to most circus folks, Rory is scandalous enough to prompt most upstanding English folk to look the other way as he passes by, but charming enough to provoke enough into turning their heads back around. A lion tamer from America with a rough Irish accent and a little girl balanced on his shoulders, it is clear that Rory has lived a full, exciting life. With the leather and hides he covers himself in, the kohl sourced from west Asia that lines his eyes and the whips hanging from his belt, the aura the lion tamer exudes could be construed as intimidating, but his jovial smile and his endless patience for his daughter don’t let any unflattering rumours go on for too long. If only he could keep himself from the Lantern’s doorstep, or keep his coin in hand, then all would be right with the world, but with his thirst for adrenaline nothing stays calm around Rory for long.