The daughter of a moderately successful farmer, Viva moved to the city at age 20 to enter service as a maid in the London home of her family’s landlord. While she was well-prepared for the early mornings and long days, she had not anticipated how mundane and spirit-crushing service could be. She muddled through for about a decade, rising in the ranks, and eventually landed as the ladies maid to the Viscountess Pevensey. Her new mistress was bold and exciting, and encouraged Viva to speak her mind freely. She must have said something right, for when the Countess took the helm of the Review, she offered Viva a position there. Writing under the pseudonym “E.V. Nevin,” she answers inquires (and sometimes makes them up if the week has been slow) offering down-to-earth and practical advice about everything from interpersonal relationships to how best to fry an egg.

Viva Nevin
Site Canon Character
Advice Columnist at the London Review
30s · Female
FC: Jodie Whittaker
Site Canon Character · Group: The London Review