
the Mods

Characters currently in play, on hold, or wanted

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Beatrice Frell

Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley
Early 30s · Female · English · Gentlewoman
FC: Dakota Johnson · Non-Negotiable
Relationship: Family
Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley

Beatrice’s upbringing was mostly beneath the care of her mother, Annabella. And yet, where her mother pushed Beatrice to look to advancement and proper etiquette, her father (David) often tried to splinter the relationship so his first born daughter may look elsewhere for fulfillment. As such, her relationship with her mother is strained yet the one with her father is forgiving. Afforded a fine education, Beatrice is known for her inherited beauty and quick wit, which indeed led her into the arms of a charming politician. Now known widely as the wife of a powerful man, Beatrice resides in London (where? Entirely UTP, as long as it is befitted of an Upper-Middle class household) and practises her well tuned act of hosting and socialising as a prim socialite of the season. Her own advancement has led the Paulets, her maternal relations, to even extend invitations to their social balls and has as such given rise to Beatrice’s place in the world. It is UTP if she has children, or if she is still married and what that relationship is like. She is celebrated for her Resourceful, Witty and Ambitious characteristics. Though it is to be minded that she can be Non-Committal, Compulsive and Money-Minded above all else.