All of Gust’s favorite relations are female cousins, and Alderose sits at the tippy-top of the list. Born of an ill-advised love match and raised to be a free spirit, she is probably some kind of artist or musician. She and her mother are ignored by the broader family when they aren’t outright shunned, but it is Gust who holds the title, and Gust adores them both. I’m very open to personal details, so long as she’s a bit of a hippie and is smart as a whip. Oh, and please don’t call her Rosie for the sake of my own mental confusion. FC is non-negotiable, sorry! (Elvis’ granddaughter; don’t know why it didn’t occur before!)

Alderose Kinkade
Requested by Keaton · Associated with Augustus Kinkade
Late 20s-Mid 30s · Female · English · Gentlewoman
FC: Riley Keough · Non-Negotiable
Relationship: Family (Cousin)
Requested by Keaton · Associated with Augustus Kinkade