
the Mods

Characters currently in play, on hold, or wanted

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Annabella Findley

Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley
63 · Female · British · Housewife and Gentlewoman
FC: Kristen Scott-Thomas
Relationship: Family
Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley

Born to the grand house of Paulet, Annabella was meant to have a life of the utmost luxury. All she had to do was toe the line, all she really had to contend with was an arranged marriage and a future decorated with a bounty of children. The thing was, she met David, and the rest was history. Uninherited and disposed of by her family for not only eloping without her parents’ approval but also for marrying a man far beneath her social class, Annabella put all her eggs into David’s basket. Quickly they had one child after another, and reluctantly she allowed her husband to urge each one to live life head-on, without restriction or judgement. Still, Annabella was raised within a particular set of rules, and was quietly horrified when her youngest daughter yearned to become a free-thinking artist and her youngest son wished to become something of an actor! It takes strength of spirit to survive such a transition, but has Annabella begun to regret her choices in life? Or will she continue to quietly be her husband’s steadfast support, despite the fact that his own attention seems to be waning? She is glamorous, intelligent & steadfast. But also she can be dishonest, shallow & unappreciative at times.