Mr David Findley has lived and worked in Oxford his entire life, but in more recent years (since all of his children have flown the nest) he has extended his practice to the city where he teaches extra lectures and/or partakes in actual test studies. David met and married the older Annabella when he had been introduced to her father during a work study at the Paulet’s country manor. The two fell in love almost instantly, leaving them to elope and earn the rejection and exile from her family. Still, David came from an Upper-Middle class background, and quickly he taught his wife the new way of things. Soon after they had one child after another, and they have been exceedingly successful in raising their large brood of children to become independent, free-thinkers. David, in his golden years, has hopes to make a mark in the Science field however, and longs to practice what he preaches. Eager to follow his children into the city, David is the hearth to his family’s well being, and has recently chosen to rent out a townhouse in Islington. With an open heart, David is known to be kind, forgiving and open-minded but also restless, indulgent and crafty.

David Findley
Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley
60 · Male · English · Professor of Physics
FC: Dominic West
Relationship: Family
Requested by Velvet · Associated with Felicité Findley