You’re a mother, Ma. You’re also a monster. But so am I. - Ocean Vuong, On Earth We Were Briefly Gorgeous

Time Zone



Face Claim

Elle Fanning

Visible Age



Long, blonde and knotted having never learned to rake a brush through her hair, though it's somewhat tameable due to it being thinner than one would like






Slim and previously malnourished

Notable Features

🗡 Bright blonde hair is knotted en-masse, tangled due to a lack of a comb.
🗡Her nose is upturned and often marked by freckles that darken in constant sunlight.
🗡Her mouth is small and naturally bleeds to a dark rose, the colour a stark contrast when compared to her pale skin.
🗡Her features, though misleadingly dainty, are often traced with dirt or grime from the street - like a wild cat, she refuses the helping hand of anyone, for even the people she calls friends are held at an arm’s length.
🗡 Her hair, naturally curled and inherited from her beautiful mother, remains knotted by mistreatment - often people will grab it to apprehend her from her crimes, tangling their fingers into the mass of butter-blonde to puppeteer the young girl.
🗡 Her teeth are misaligned due to lack of care and her voice cuts through the air around her - this volume, this note, is probably what you would notice first when coming across Aoife O’Kelly.
🗡 Finally, if threatened mentally or physically, she would produce a serrated knife blade dirtied by spilled blood.

Personal Style

Her clothes are often worn to the last stitches, with holes and patchwork done when she manages to woo the seamstress who lives in Whitechapel. Sometimes she steals something new - most importantly shoes, socks or gloves from backdoors or washing lines where applicable. Of course, she wears anything she can get her hands on, for what she has is mostly coloured in neutral whites, browns and greys all stained and fouled to some degree. If she had a choice, perhaps Aoife would wear green for her kin, but other than that, she doesn’t give a shit.
Aoife O' feckin' Kelly

Spitalfields - Greenstreet Gang


Gang Member


She owns nothing, but that’s no surprise. What she has on her person, or rather things she treasures, is her blade she named Badb, and a small black cat who she likes to tend to when she can, named Lugh. Other than this, she has a comb that once belonged to her Ma (though she never uses it) and a bottle cap that was supposedly given to her Ma by her Pa when she had been born… But neither really means that much to her anymore.

Relationship Status



Aoife has come a long way since being described as the daughter of a Dubliner prostitute and potentially a member of the IRB, now if faced with her ghastly exterior you may only gasp to scream. Having turned up in London alongside the Greenstreet Gang, Aoife played her part in securing Donoghue’s place as leader and head of house. Of course, Aoife killed in self-defense or (sometimes) for the sake of a sordid thrill, but she had not been part of the troubles with the neighbouring gang, which was surprising really, considering Aoife’s habits. Still, she finds herself as a worthy guard dog to her Master, and tends to her street of the East End with sharpened teeth and a wild knife hand.

Health & Capabilities

Having lived on the streets and gone days without eating, Aoife is basically anorexic and because of this is probably infertile. Of course, this is mostly because she has not been allowed access to regular meals and nourishment, which has played its part on her body.


Poor, like, the poorest person you can imagine in that time and place. She has not a penny of her own, everything she steals or ‘earns’ is given back to the Gang, at any rate she would pick food over money if asked, and has been known to swap tricks for a bread roll on the occasion. After all, once you feel the gnawing of starvation you never forget it.

Skills & Talents

🗡 Uneducated and illiterate, Aoife O’Kelly’s interests are sparse at best.
🗡 If Aoife was asked personally on what she thought her strengths were, quite like her aversions, she wouldn’t stop at a mere few bullet points. She would wax lyrical through the badly kept teeth that her strengths were forever growing. From an outside point of view however, her strengths are limited. Of course, having lived a life outside of the society’s normal constraints, Aoife is a fighter, a survivor (for now) and a courageous soul of London’s wretched street stalkers.
🗡 She is practical in a way that aids her every step, alongside her boldness and original problem solving techniques.
🗡 Now, from her lips, she would boast of her skill to drop a man’s wallet within seconds - how she can cut limbs from bodies without a second to hesitate. But surely, isn’t there more to it than that?

Present Relationships

Greenstreet Gang
She/her ∙ Cis Woman




The Ghoul


The Rebel




It is not a secret that hobbies are reserved for those who are lucky enough to have the time to enjoy them. Aoife, who still fights against survival with all her might, does not have such a thing. Though if pushed, perhaps she enjoys following stray cats, feeding and caring for them by the back doors of the gang’s foothold in the East End. She is also a fine knife-hand, though she is no fencer for obvious reasons, perhaps in another life she would’ve been quite wonderful at it. Whilst not offered the passions of a girl her age, she has adopted a strange way of expressing herself. She finds comfort in trailing the streets before the city wakes beneath her feet, and takes a varying interest in the justice system that, in that moment, seems rigged to bring women down beneath the passion of men. But mostly she finds herself searching for ways to survive - as a young woman born in Dublin and living in London, she fights daily to keep her place on Earth - so why should she nourish any other kind of interest? When each hour brings a new fight to her toes, Aoife is left to focus on her survival.

Habits & Routines

Aoife is normally spotted in the East End, and rarely ventures beyond it due to the closeness of her kin. But, she can sometimes be seen venturing forth in order to pick heavy pockets or lure unsuspecting faces closer to her hearth.


🗡 If she had been raised by loving parents perhaps she would’ve been a kind young woman, but as an orphan of Dublin’s cursed streets, Aoife is rowdy, she talks with her fists and blades. She fights before she speaks.
🗡 She was and is the child who learned to run before learning how to walk.
🗡 To describe her as apathetic is to do the young woman a justice because her personality is seemingly yet to be fully formed - she cannot grasp the full potential of personal feelings, now can she truly understand the effect she has on people.
🗡 So her personality is full of rough edges, sharp points and cut steel that draws blood from anyone who dares venture too near. If you are to be considered a friend, Aoife will continue to fight - taking punches, spitting insults and gnashing teeth.
🗡 If you are so bold to take her as an enemy, please be aware that Aoife has a history of stalking and violence, often cutting flesh to make her mark and point known.

Date of Birth

1 April 1865

Past Relationships

Mother: Rosin O’Kelly, prostitute and thief †
Father: Supposedly Seán Mac Stiofáín, a member of the IRB who ‘escaped’ to New York to avoid imprisonment
Siblings: Unknown


Born among the rubble of Dublin, Aoife was never meant to survive. Her mother, the famed Dubliner Roisin O’Kelly, had not known that she had been pregnant in the first place, having been kept busy by her customers who always sought her silk slippers. It would be a tragic comedy that she would fall in a sweaty mess off Marrowbone road’s alleyways, coating herself in the grime to give birth to her one and only child on the morning of April’s Fools Day. Well, wasn’t that a laugh! Roisin O’Kelly, once the most beautiful in all of Dublin, now a mother to a child who’s first breath was choked with blood and mucus, could not have foreseen how that day was due to go, even as she hobbled into the Donoghue kitchen, where she washed the child and cut the umbilical cord. Born into chaos and a night overlooked by the full moon, she named her child Aoife O’Kelly, the seed of some customer long lost to the ever growing Dublin crowd.

As a working woman (Roisín would sometimes offer her services to factory houses, but would mostly work the streets as a prostitute and thief), she often left her infant in the arms of her fellow working ladies, where mostly she was kept under the watchful eye of friends who doted on the small babe, and though it was meant to be a temporary arrangements due to the amount of care a baby would need, by just twenty-four months after her birth, Roisin was continuously sent to prison due to her work and twitching fingers, but mostly the reason came about because of her tight-knit connection to the Fenian Uprising. It is said, though behind closed hands, that Aoife’s father must have been that of Sean Mac Stiofain, a known terrorist who had made a name for himself and had since escaped out to the country where he was awaiting a barge to New York for safe keeping — with such a man for a father, what did they expect of Aoife O’Kelly?

As food begins to dwindle, Aoife continues to grow. Shadowing her playmates, she learned to pick the pockets of esteemed generals and how to flounce the beggarman of his change. She was taught how to handle a pocket knife and how to escape from a grip on the arm. Her general sense of self-defence was quick to learn, and by the age of five Aoife spent her days weaving between the crowds to gather the essential resources needed for survival. Only young, and a girl of doe-eyed blue hues, her visage was often overlooked by the garda who sought the street urchin who had robbed a visiting commodore’s wife, for how could someone so sweet in appearance do such a thing!? Learning, however, that she could get away with anything, Aoife’s targets grew in number and her jobs would escalate to downright violence to get what she wanted. Escaping the glare of the garda and the soldiers who sought revenge on the street scum of Dublin, Aoife lived her childhood as a ghost, a shadow, a whisper in your ear. She was no one but everyone at the same time. That was, till she grew just a little older.

Roisín O’Kelly left her daughter for the last time in 1870, promising to return once her dues were done to safe the necks of the Belfast Boys up north. Two years had passed by the time the news arrived that Aoife’s wild mother had been sent to prison for the last time in Hannahstown — as was the case with many who had been arrested during a demonstration, all family members assumed that their loved ones had either ‘gone missing’ or were to be punished in some awful way that would ever alter their livelihoods. As such, Aoife was forced to face the truth of the matter; that she was no longer the daughter of the ever desirable Roisín, but an orphan. Desperate to make her ends meet, and to appear worthy of a space beneath the woman’s roofs, Aoife worked the street, exchanging her body as her mother had done in order to bank what she could with those she yearned to repay. But she kept growing, taller and stretched out than the rest of the kids who stopped around a megre five foot. Aoife wasn’t worth her space, so she left, till she found a place by the helm of the Donoghues.

Eager to play her part, Aoife’s mannerisms lost the soft belly nature of a girl’s as she transitioned to a creature with sharpened teeth and a venomous tongue. As the Greenstreet Gang begin that slow metamorphosis of creation, Aoife hitches her post to its meaning and acts the dreaded blade hand that some still fear to turn to, if only to avoid upsetting their God. Still, the daughter of persons who had grown to hate the English and the weight held around Ireland, Aoife knew what she had to do.

Having arrived on English shores everything she had once known was thrown aside. Brandishing a knife she modified to become serrated for severer strikes, Aoife remained by the Greenstreet Gang side, often mirroring their actions and particulars as she anchored her feet upon London soil. It took a while, and with her growing height and changing physique Aoife attracted a selection of men who all thought she would be willing to offer - but she was not. In fact, she was often caught trying to attack her pursuers with sharpened claws and gnashing teeth only to be stopped by a lone prostitute or one of Donoghue’s boys (the English ones who didn’t care for the Irish within).

In 1886 a man had tried to take advantage of her in the darkened alleyways of London, just off Five Acres where the rich would sometimes visit between their theatre trips. She had hoped to capture a wallet or a handsome man for entertainment, but had only been placed with a man worth far less than she would have imagined. His greedy paws seemed trained on Aoife who had not been in the mood, and without a second thought, she cut through his two thumbs to the wailing screams of a man suddenly regretting his dark desires. Furious and feral with her intent, Aoife barked that she would cut off his prized possession if she heard of him again before disappearing into the night. As rumour grew that the man in question was on the lookout for her, Aoife only sharpened her senses - though, in fact, remained in the belly of the Greenstreet Gang, guarding her precious home like a wolfhound taking care of a rare resource of food and shelter. No matter, if he came after her, she would be waiting.


1865 Aoife is born in Dublin on Marrowbone Road,
1867 Her mother, Rosín O’Kelly, is arrested for prostitution and stealing, she is sent to Cork prison and Aoife is formally left in the care of her friends (other prostitutes and thieves)
1868 Her mother is released, she finally introduces Aoife to the man who is supposed to be her father (Fenian Uprising and known terrorist to the British forces). Rosín is known for acting as an assailant to the gang, and is soon found out. She passes Aoife off to a family who have less tangents to the gang before she is arrested for the second time
1869 Rosín O’Kelly is released after a year of ‘good behaviour’ , turning up to retrieve her daughter
1870 She moves in with the Donoghues after Rosín declares she’s off to Belfast to help the ‘boys’, Aoife is quickly taught how to pick pockets and to defend herself
1872 Rosín O’Kelly is arrested at the demonstration at Hannahstown, Belfast, whilst campaigning for the release of Fenian prisoners. She is never seen again, and assumed dead
1880 Aoife, at fifteen years, is pushed to take up jobs on the street in order to help the Donoghue’s plight. She trades her body for money and food and is rumoured to have killed a man in self-defense
1884 Moves with Sean Donoghue to London and helps in the killing of an old gang to assert their place
1887 Aoife does not help the relations between the English Black Powder Gang and the Greenstreet Gang., ,if anything she is known to rile them


As a daughter of a well known Dublin Prostitute, it was only ever a matter of time for Aoife to follow in the profession - even her old bawd, a now-older woman who stunk of beer and aged potatoes, approached the young girl, claiming that her mother had left a debt behind. Aoife, who was quite aghast at having to pay for her deceased mother’s lack of brains, Aoife cut the bawd's cheek and warned her away. But, she did fall into selling tricks whilst in London, newly moved as a girl of the streets and Irish immigrant escaping the potato famine - not only to produce coin, but to also offer some support to the Gang boys (though, most of the money went on Aoife’s constant need to eat). Anyway, romance is not in her repertoire and if asked about it, Aoife wouldn’t be able to answer or comment on it. Though she does understand sex, and often exchanges her caress for food or money - she rarely gives anything away for free, but she’d claim that she is not a prostitute like her deadbeat mammy, but rather a woman of her own freewill.


Apathy runs through her, it's overwhelming loudness blinding her insight to what friendship actually is. The closest she has are the boys who run the gang, the ones who treat her like a broken sister or perhaps a pet rabid dog who foams at the mouth. And though she’s loyal to the family who nurtured her as a girl, there’s a roughened and sharp edge that keeps her from their embraces, leaving her alone and clutching at the frays instead. If, however, she was on the lookout for companionship (of which would only occur in the rarest of times), Aoife would seek someone who would do something for her, who would offer a nourishment to her selfish means.


Her enemies are plentiful, it seems that nowadays Aoife finds one whenever she turns a corner! A little frustrated at the idea of never being totally calm with the pace from one road to the other, Aoife retaliates by spiralling out of control. Never one to listen to reason or perhaps even an apology, her first action is to jump to violence - blade in hand, she gestures for them to approach and is often caught with someone else’s blood on her hands. She cannot forgive or forget, it's not in her vocabulary. But mostly she would turn her head from anyone who seeks kindness from her, who has in their coloured pasts double crossed the Greenstreet Gang or in truth, anyone who dares seek her wild eyes.
== Results from ==
100% Brat tamer
100% Degrader
98% Dominant
90% Sadist
87% Primal (Hunter)
80% Rigger
71% Masochist
69% Owner
62% Master/Mistress
37% Experimentalist

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06 Mar 2025, 13:25

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