I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.
Notable Features
u Most noticeable is the slightly milky quality to his right eye, and the still rather fresh scar that stretches from the outer corner of his right eye. Occasionally he will wear an eyepatch to cover the eye, as he is essentially blind in it but still sensitive to light.u Iwan has lost his right leg from approximately 6" below his knee. So long as he is wearing pants and is seated, this is less noticeable. When he's walking he has a slight limp, and often uses a cane. Complications during the healing process have left a prominent scar that stretches from a few inches above his knee to his stump, and the end of his residual limb is heavily scarred as well.
u Iwan is also missing his entire right pinky, and the two distal joints of his right ring finger. His right hand has some scarring where his hand was damaged and the shattered pinky was surgically removed.
u On his left forearm is a tattoo of a tiger, bisected by a thick scar.
Personal Style
There was a time when Iwan was a sharp-dressed young man, vain and particular about his appearance. Now he makes a half-hearted effort; he's reasonably clean most of the time, his clothing is still well-made and tailored (albeit to a muscular frame and two-legged body he no longer has), and most days he even runs a comb through his shaggy hair. He does keep it cut an almost reasonable length, when he thinks to have it seen to. Given that he no longer has a personal valet or steward, he does decently for himself.Circumstances
Since his recent return to London, Iwan has been spending his retirement trying to spend as little time as possible conscious and aware of what's going on about him. On any given day you'll likely find him inebriated, if not also intoxicated by opium or hashish, and in the company of individuals of questionable repute. Occasionally he will clean himself up and make an effort for the good of his siblings, but generally speaking Iwan considered his life over when his commission was forfeit.Health & Capabilities
In the past, Iwan was the absolute picture of health. His fondness for motion and sports kept him in excellent shape. Now, with the scars of no fewer than three wars, including the loss of half of his leg, half of his sight, and much of his passion for life, his physical health has waned quite severely. He doesn't participate in many of the hobbies he used to, drinks, and has also been known to partake of opium. His once well-muscled frame has faded into a leaner, less fit shape.Socioeconomics
Iwan has retired with honor, and receives a respectable pension from the government. It is enough for him to keep his own apartment, and hire a cleaning girl to come in two or so times a week. If he indulged in fewer vices, he would be comfortably set for the rest of his life. As it stands, he currently cooks most of his own meals, sees to his own needs, and generally has little in the way of spare money. He is by no means destitute, but should he lose his pension or otherwise come into unexpected debt or bills, he would be in slightly dire circumstances – at least for a while.Skills & Talents
u Horsemanship — Though his skills are not remotely what they once were, there was a time when Iwan was an extremely skilled rider. Now his confidence is heavily damaged by his loss of eyesight.u Artistic Eye — A newer talent he's discovered, Iwan has an eye for aesthetics, and has been utilizing it to develop his new, artistically-inclined hobbies.
u Sharp Memory — Though he never did particularly well in school, Iwan's memory is extremely keen. He has no problems remembering discussions he's had weeks ago, things he learned months ago, and so on.
Present Relationships
Familyu Father: Charles Morgan, Baron Tredegar (1834-1884) ✞
u Mother: Rosamund Mundy (1840-1866) ✞
u Eldest Brother: Cecil Morgan, Baron Tredegar (b. 1852)
u Sister: Cicilia Fitzroy nee Morgan, Duchess of Grafton (b. 1852)
u Equestrianism — A hobby that he's spent half of his life pursuing professionally, given his position in the Hussars, and one that he now feels himself not entirely capable of pursuing any longer. Iwan adores the freedom that riding offers and is an excellent horseman; even the loss of his right leg was manageable with certain changes made to his saddle. With the loss of his vision, however, he feels much less confident in riding with the same wild abandon that he always has, and it has much soured his appreciation of this hobby.u Fencing — Another hobby that he feels incapable of participating in any longer due to his bum leg and bad eye.
u Music — Iwan has a tolerable voice, and once played the piano well. Now he contents himself merely with appreciating others performing.
u Diatom Arranging, fern collecting, flower pressing — A newer group of hobbies that he picks at in fits and spurts. Iwan's boredom and general reluctance to attempt his physically-inclined hobbies have lead him to becoming involved in more artistic endeavors. Microscopic arts, the cultivation of fern terrariums, and the pressing of flowers are the three predominate hobbies to which he's turned his attention... When he's sober enough to do so.
In his youth, Iwan was a brave, daring lad. He was quick to charm, quick to compliment, quick to bolster others... Particularly if it benefited himself, such as defending him from his father's ire.If one squints, one might see some of that boyish, somewhat selfish charm still in the worn lines of Iwan now. There is a cruelty to him now that largely stems from the chronic pain he has been enduring since the mortar blast that took his leg; more of it stems from the explosion that robbed him of half his sight. This is a cruelty that he largely turns in towards himself, but will wield against those that get too close, should he need to. Though he comports himself with his old familiar devil-may-care confidence, there is also now a deep insecurity about his physical appearance and capabilities. The loss of his vision was felt far more deeply than the less of his leg; while he tries to pretend that he has no difficulties, he shies away from any surprises, snaps at people who approach or talk to him from his right side, and is somewhat more prone to lash out physically if he's sufficiently stressed.
Beneath it all, he still has his boyish sense of humor, a deep longing for acceptance (of himself and of others), and a soft heart grievously wounded by the injuries he has suffered, the things he has done in the name of the Crown, and the loss of a military career to which he was deeply devoted to.
Born the second son, Iwan never had aspirations for his father's title. His youth was spent blissfully (and perhaps just a bit willfully) ignorant of the responsibilities his brother would one day have to shoulder. Instead, much of his youth was spent finding new ways to get into trouble, and out of it once more, always egged on by his sister.Never did he consider staying in the quiet, idyllic Welsh countryside though; when he was seventeen, and it had become obvious that university would be a waste on him, Iwan instead had a commission purchased by his father, and he was shipped away to learn the ways of war. He took to it well enough, or as well as he had taken to anything before – though his wild ways did have to be beaten from him a bit, to better match the discipline expected of one of Her Majesty's officers.
Iwan's military career began very promising; he was quick to move up the ranks of the Hussars over the course of the first ten years or so of his career. Taking part in the Second Anglo-Afghan War, he served well and suffered no serious injuries or traumas. Things went different a few years later, during the Anglo-Egyptian War. In 1882, during the Battle of Tell El Kebir, a mortar blast knocked Iwan from his horse, killing the poor beast and leaving him rather mangled. He lost his right foot and part of his leg, received notable scarring up the right side of his body, and lost part of his right hand.
It took approximately eight months of convalescence before he was approved to return to combat, and by then he had missed the rest of the war, such as it was. For the next couple of years, he was engaged in the Mahdist War, which culminated in his short-lived participation in the Nile Expedition meant to free Khartoum from its siege.
It was a few years after that, in the fall of 1887, during a damn training exercise of all things, that Iwan suffered another grave injury. While overseeing the training of some Egyptian troops, a gunpowder charge was mishandled, resulting in the explosion of a cannon. Iwan was lucky, though he did not (and does not) think of himself as such; the shrapnel that hit him did relatively little damage, for all that the damage was enough to permanently blind his right eye and leave him bedbound for two weeks with a significant concussion.
With the loss of his vision, Iwan could no longer fulfill his duties as a Hussar. Though he waited some months to see if any of his vision might return, in the end he was given his choices: Become a camp aide of some kind, return to London to join the bureaucratic military staff there, or be retired with honors. A lifetime chained to a desk sounded like nothing short of torture for the young man, and so in the end he was resigned to accept the retirement.
Iwan has since returned to London only recently, a decorated man with no career prospects, no education outside of the military, and no idea what on Earth he's going to do with his war-ravaged self. For now he drinks, he fucks, and he tries to forget the dreams he had of his future.
Iwan is a damaged soul. Currently he buries his fears and trauma and pain beneath the company of whores and a copious amount of mind-altering substances, but he has a soft heart beneath it all. Insecurity regarding his injuries means that he keeps everyone at arm's length, but with time he might once again become the charming, confident man that he once was. Given even more time, he might even be willing to set aside the vices that are slowly killing him... If he were to meet the right person who gave him a reason to.Friends
Iwan has been away on military actions for most of the past fifteen years. While he's generally been good about writing family and childhood friends, the truth of the matter is that he is not the same man he was years ago. He can still be charming, still tends to be generous with his affections and his funds, but there is a harsh, caustic edge to him, fed by his insecurity, guilt, and loss. Friends must be willing to weather his self-deprecation and anger, or at the very least be willing to forgive him for it when he sobers up and inevitably seeks forgiveness. Rarely is he cruel to others, and in general his poor attitude is directed inwards.He does desperately wish for companionship, even in his most bitter moments, and for that reason alone is he willing to seek amends. How long his friends and family are willing to offer forgiveness is another matter entirely.
Iwan is very easy to hate, or at least dislike. His humor skews into the acerbic and deprecating; usually towards himself, but standers-by are not free from his judgment and ire. He may not think he can do everything better than anyone else – but he's fairly certain that everyone is shit at their jobs, just to varying degrees. The chronic pain that has become his constant companion does his temperament no favors, and though he's usually not inclined to become physically violent (not least because of the physical condition of himself lately), he is a man who is willing to burn others in the pursuit of burning himself, and burn himself in the pursuit of burning others.He does tend to apologize to those he cares about, but how many times may one swallow the same sweet lines before one begins to recognize the hooks buried within them?
== Results from ==
94% Dominant
94% Sadist
94% Brat tamer
89% Rigger
89% Primal (Hunter)
86% Degrader
75% Voyeur
71% Switch
70% Owner
69% Master/Mistress
60% Non-monogamist
59% Degradee
55% Primal (Prey)
50% Experimentalist
50% Masochist
48% Submissive
46% Daddy/Mommy
37% Brat
37% Rope bunny
29% Vanilla
16% Pet
11% Exhibitionist
6% Ageplayer
1% Slave
0% Little
94% Dominant
94% Sadist
94% Brat tamer
89% Rigger
89% Primal (Hunter)
86% Degrader
75% Voyeur
71% Switch
70% Owner
69% Master/Mistress
60% Non-monogamist
59% Degradee
55% Primal (Prey)
50% Experimentalist
50% Masochist
48% Submissive
46% Daddy/Mommy
37% Brat
37% Rope bunny
29% Vanilla
16% Pet
11% Exhibitionist
6% Ageplayer
1% Slave
0% Little
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