Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

Time Zone



Face Claim

Deschanel, Zooey

Visible Age



Auburny Brown






On the slight side of full

Notable Features

A lightly freckled nose and cheeks, bright and piercing Blue eyes. Scar on her upper arm, nearly always covered.

Personal Style

Minnie tries to keep up with the latest fashions, where funds allow. She is not above sewing all of her own garments and making them up in the latest styles. Her hair is invariably up, unless she has been tussling with one of her brothers who has decided to tease her particularly mercilessly that day. She is not pin neat, and at the end of a long day sometimes looks downright dishevelled.

She smartens up when it is called for and can look exceedingly fine should she put the effort in.
Minerva Mills


Seamstress/Ladies Maid


Family Wheat farms out in the country. The mill. The Bakery and the Market stalls.

Relationship Status



Minnie is currently working in her Fathers bakery, and seeking further employment in becoming a ladies maid. Her late Lady passed in the last few months and she is seeking another who will hopefully be as kind and respectful.

She lives above the bakery in London. She loves to rise early and take stock of the day. She is often seen wandering the market hoping to get a good deal on a rather nice looking fish, or bag of particularly juicy apples in exchange for some excellent iced buns.

Health & Capabilities

Minnie is healthy, from what she knows. She has run into no particular maladies. A cold or two now and then, and a run in with a fractured arm as a child which excluding the concealed scar, healed quite nicely.


Minnie is the only Daughter of an excellent Baker. They are not affluent or used to abundance, but they are quite comfortable thankyou-very-much! A happy and bustling home, family and friend circle. She has been given every opportunity to be educated that is afforded you young women of her status and situation.

Skills & Talents

❦ Baking ❦ Sewing ❦ Pleasant and clear singing voice ❦ Reads well ❦ Speaks a little french

Present Relationships

❦ Father - Mathias Mills
❦ Mother - Katherine Mills
❦ Older Brother - Mathew Mills
❦ Younger Brother - Marcus Mills
❦ Youngest Brother - Michael Mills
She/Her ∙ Female






The Creator


Straight (So far)


❦ Baking ❦ Fashion ❦ Theatre ❦ Finery ❦ Cheese ❦ Making Friends ❦ Reading ❦ Jewelery

Habits & Routines

She rises early, washes, dresses as well as she needs to for the days plans. Minnie loves to visit the market and look for meal/baking inspiration and take in the news of the day. A lot can be heard in the early morn at the markets. Gossip abounds. She opens the bakery after getting all of the freshly baked goods ready. If she makes it to the end of the day without sharing a juicy piece of information and covered in flour, it has been an unfullfilling time!

Date of Birth

25th June 1866


"A whistling woman, and a crowing hen!" Minnie heard this phrase so often in her youth, working in the bustling bakery owned by her father. He would chide her so, but always with a hearty laugh as she kneaded the umpteenth lump of soft floury dough. Minnie liked to whistle while she worked, but never in front of the customers. It wasn't proper for a young lady to whistle.

Growing up in the small town of West Malling, she had been quite content. Her brothers drove her to insanity, naturally. Matthew, Marcus and Michael. All M names. Her Father had a sense of humour at least. He was a kind man, and a good father. She had wanted for next to nothing. They weren't rich, but they weren't poor either. It was comfortable.

Her parents had afforded their 4 children a decent tutor. They could all read and write. Indeed, Minnie loved to read. Michael was the most contrary of the bunch, and tended towards more physical aspirations. He had notions of becoming a famous boxer. Minnie often laughed at him, considering he was as far through as a kipper. Muscles like knots on cotton. Cotton arms.

She missed them. Especially Matthew. He was her big brother and had the protective demeanour big brothers often did. He was kind, and intelligent. He was off in the world somewhere now. They would write to each other, but she heard from him less and less these days. Marcus, the mathematical one of the brood. He helped father nowadays with the bookkeeping. The shop was doing well, so much so that there was now a shop open in London itself.

Minnie was currently working in the bakery right here in London. She had of course been the Ladies Maid to the late Duchess of Buckingham. She had been a kind and wonderful mistress. Perhaps not as keen on the latest fashions as Minnie would have liked, but together they had made a good pair. She had been greatly saddened by the loss of the Duchess. Viscount Westcote had kindly allowed her to stay on the staff as a maid, but it wasn't what her heart wanted. There was a bond between a Lady and her Maid. A confidence. A trust. It was special.

So Minnie had come to London, helping out in the Bakery while she sought a new household to become a part of. Perhaps a Lady, or Baroness, maybe even another Duchess to serve. She was hoping against all hope to find a place as agreeable as Wotton house. Meanwhile, the bustle and busy'ness of London was ever an interesting and often adventurous place to be in. She was finding she liked it very much.


Im open to any and all ideas. A lasting relationship for the future would be most desired, but how and whether she achieves that is the fun of it. Perhaps she gets swept up in a few daliances before that, or perhaps she will end up alone!


She would love some good friends, and at least one best friend. Someone who can keep up with her questions about the world, and shares the same enthusiasm for learning and curiosity as her.


Totally open to striking up a hateship and rivalry or lurid journey of righting an injustice!

Last Active

02 Mar 2025, 18:55

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