It's hard work, trying to make yourself into something your mother can stand to look at.

Time Zone



Face Claim

Ana de Armas

Visible Age

25-30s (claims she is not one day over 27)


Brown, wavy, shoulder length






Very slim

Notable Features

> Big green eyes and a pretty smile that never reaches her eyes.

> Still feigns an Italian accent despite being perfectly able to speak English. Can converse in Spanish, French, Russian and German, but would very much rather play the fool and claim to know a few words here and there.

> Has begun having difficulties seeing objects at a distance, but would rather lie than wear glasses.

> Can tend to speak very softly, although whether it is due do her upbringing or whether she is using it as an excuse to get people closer to her, that remains a mystery still.

Personal Style

Only the latest fashion from France, the most expensive lace and satin, hair always styled according to the latest trends and always wearing jewelry.

Loves pearls.


Primadonna Soprano, The Royal Opera


> 41 Beaufort Walk, Ippolita's cherished home she has owned for over 15 years.

> A considerable collection of paintings and statues depicting birds.

> Several jewels and jewelry

Relationship Status



Nothing has dethroned her as the prima donna soprano for the last fifteen years, but no one is untouchable in the face of time. Utterly convinced that she cannot possibly make it solely based on her talent alone, Ippolita's fears grow as the possibility of being replaced by a younger and more talented face looms closer. Forced to juggle several scandals, rumors of a mysterious wedding with an even more mysterious marquess and her little brother's own foolish deeds, Ippolita's investment plans are not looking too good.

Health & Capabilities

She tries her very best to keep her aversion to eating food a secret, although several people have seen the signs. Her obsession with staying slim is undoubtedly also inherited from her mother who did not deem it necessary to correct this behavior. After all, the smaller the size of the dress, the better, as she used to say.

Otherwise, Ippolita is generally healthy, although underweight and tries to keep as healthy lifestyle as possible.


While initially aiming to be as famous as her parents, her fame came with plenty of opportunities to amass some wealth in the form of gems, jewelry and works of art given to her by various gentlemen to earn her favor. While initially reluctant to engage in such behavior, it did not take long for Ippolita to figure out that she can get away with plenty of gifts in exchange for a bit of her time and playing the role of the helpless (occasionally clueless) lady.

She has been steadily investing in works of art over the years and, with the help of her parents, has even bought a home in Central London that she cherishes greatly. Amassing wealth just for the sake of having wealth may have been a goal when she was young, but Ippolita is now looking for opportunities to invest.

Skills & Talents

> Her singing is her life, a talent identified since she was old enough to read and write, and has been carefully honed over the years. She is certain her life would literally end if she were to somehow lose her voice.

> While singing may be her talent, lying is her skill. There is nothing in this world Ippolita has not or won't lie about. Perfecting this skill has taken time, however, and within a few years, there was no shadow of guilt to accompany whatever lie she's told. She lies because it's fun, not because it is necessary.

> Is quite business savvy, although needs a helping hand to fully grasp this skill.

> Has a very keen eye for clothing.

Present Relationships

Ottaviu and Maria Celetti (born Castellano), parents
Bianca, older sister, wed
Cesare, younger brother
A complicated something with an unknown marquess
She/Her ∙ Female






The Creator




> Thoroughly enjoys birds and birdwatching, has a soft spot for any works of art representing birds. Despite this, she would never be able to pick one specific species to be her favorite.

> Dedicates a considerable amount of time to cultural activities: enjoys watching plays at the theater, going to the opera (yes, even when she is not the one singing), attending art galleries, but only when she is accompanied by a dashing gentleman. What better occasion to talk business?

> Is absolutely horrid at both drawing and painting, but often indulges in it because she wants to.

> Always keeps up with the latest fashion and trends.

Habits & Routines

> Always goes out on Saturdays, never by herself.

> Lies about anything, most of the time knowingly.

> Tries her best to avoid alcohol, but won't turn it down if offered.

> Is generally very strict with her colleagues, especially younger ones. She claims it is because she cares for them and only wants them to be at their best. It's very much a lie, she believes herself to be superior to every single one of them.

Date of Birth

13 January 1856

Past Relationships

A considerable amount of flirts, but nothing quite serious


By the time Ottaviu and Maria Celetti welcomed their second child into the world, they were already well known on the cultural stage of Southern and Central Europe. Maria, especially, had enjoyed a relatively famous youth and her success had made it possible to carry her difficult pregnancy to term at her family home in Alicante where mother and daughters spent a couple of years until Maria recovered fully and the sickly baby Ippolita was deemed well enough to travel by both the physician and the midwife.

There are bits of memories from her childhood that Ippolita sometimes dwells on, but the ones that linger the most are the warm afternoons spent in their home in New York where Ottaviu and, eventually, Maria were offered the chance to perform frequently with their several opera companies. Bianca often spoke of the war, but Ippolita distinctly remembers both sisters were kept well away from such atrocities despite being in America for a good part of their childhood. Whenever Maria would not have a performance lined up, she would teach the girls to sing, train their voices for hours on end until Ippolita's throat would hurt, but it made the honeyed tea only sweeter.

By the age of eight, Maria had given up on Bianca, deeming her firstborn utterly talentless. In hindsight, Ippolita would never have given up on Bianca so easily - the girl had potential, although could be quite shy and was hardly assertive, but mother was often quick to judge and even quicker to anger. Cesare, born a few years after Ippolita, would enjoy the luxury of being born a boy and would often spend most of his time with Ottavio. When he was not, he was most adept at tormenting both his sisters (this never quite stopped, not even in the present).

After Bianca was deemed unworthy of a career in the opera, Maria focused all her efforts on Ippolita, an arduous process that the current prima donna of the Royal Italian Opera does not remember with particular fondness. Mother had been cruel, exceptionally strict with the routines: no sweets of any kind (at least not in her presence), no sour or overly salty foods, nothing too spicy, nothing that could cause any issues with Ippolita's voice whatsoever. After the age of fourteen, she was also kept on a strict diet, as to "not upset her delicate stomach", even though she'd never had an issue before.

"Imagine, mia cara," Mother used to say with her most disgusted expression, "to not fit in your dress. What would the people say? How embarrassing it must be."

It would become an obsession in her later years, after Ippolita's grand debut at only 16 years of age, a soubrette with a lovely face whose voice could move the world. And if everyone said it, then it must have been the absolute truth.

The following two years were full of back to back performances, the Celetti name was once more at the very height of fame and Ippolita was getting the attention of far too many pairs of eyes. Perhaps in an attempt to shield her from it all, Ottaviu decided to accept a performance in Covent Garden in Ippolita's name - it mattered little how much she cried and begged, feigning heartbreak at the very thought of leaving behind the handful of young gentlemen who were more than happy to do anything to earn her favor. It turned out to be a fantastic move on Ottaviu's part as her first performance on European soil cemented her position at the very top and her fame skyrocketed quickly to the point where she barely had time to do anything else other than travel around Europe for the majority of her twenties.

Paris, Rome, Vienna, Venice, St. Petersburg. To sing for generals and tsars and kings, to earn the undivided attention of the entire world - everything belonged to her by right and no one could ever convince her otherwise. Ignorant comments would be easily overlooked, gifts would be accepted under the guise of generous payments for her outstanding performances, she had everything in the palm of her hand and all she ever cared for was herself. She was merely twenty-one when she met The Marquess for the very first time and he had been the only one who never belonged to her, a being just as selfish and entitled as she had grown to be. It had been a scandal at the time, the young soprano and The Marquess eternally at odds with each other - utterly unacceptable to have any kind of negative rumors going about, mother said with her most disgusted expression, and it all calmed down when the young soprano and her brother were seen in the gracious company of The Marquess and his wife, a forced attempt to look like they were some kind of friends.

For many years, they wrote to each other. She was one of the few to know of his unhappy marriage and his troubles with money, he was the first she'd ever told of her aversion to eating and of her appointment as prima donna of the Royal Opera. They judged each other most cruelly because they cared the most for each other. It was an unspoken truth that neither would utter, not even when his wife would die in childbirth, taking their child with her to the heavens. And yet, he wrote to her of his grief. And yet, she wrote back to him immediately, most uncharacteristically kind.

With her parents' retirement and return to Sicily, Ippolita Celetti would finally no longer be in anyone's shadow. A dramatic soprano, Ippolita would continue to excel as Aida, Brünnhilde and Desdemona, her late twenties marking a clear transition to heart-wrenching tragedies in the role of heartbroken heroines. She's got it all, she figured, fame and wealth and friends in high places, but the fine lines on her skin and at the corners of her eyes bring forth the inevitable truth of her impending demise. Just as she'd overthrown her mother, just as she'd overthrown the former prima donna of the Royal Opera, soon it would be her turn, soon, soon, tomorrow-

It is an ever growing fear that makes no sense - she is still at the height of her career, has many, many years ahead of her, but the thought of losing everything brings her to the brink of desperation and she drowns her sorrows in her grief-stricken roles. She writes of it to her Marquess. He never answers, not this time.


Over the years, Ippolita Celetti has been seen on the arm of many gentlemen and ladies, however only one of them managed to keep her company more than a couple of times, a marquess with whom I'd like to think Ippolita has had a very on/off/on again kind of thing, both too busy to make it anything more and both just as disinterested in pursuing some genuine connection beyond just superficial company. Maybe they just got comfortable knowing they'll always be there for each other when needed?

She has no qualms flirting and enjoys the thrill of the hunt, but has a very hard time committing to anything. Has been involved in a fair share of scandals, but doesn't really care since she is pretty so she thinks she can get away with it anyway.


She has more enemies than friends, but those who managed to genuinely see Ippolita for who she is tend to either resonate with her and will find a realist, someone who won't be afraid to call things for what they are. I think very few people over the years have managed to know Ippolita the Human and most would generally know Primadonna Ippolita. I'm down for someone to reach out though, she's a wreck.


She was (and still is, to be fair, though maybe to a lesser extent) a horrid person, difficult to work with and very exigent when it comes to her work. Constructive criticism is always taken personally, especially since she is so full of herself and can tend to look down on people just because they're, well, not as good as she is in certain regards. She is an elitist, and that has definitely gotten her a fair amount of enemies, rivals, enemies with benefits, you call it.

Other Plot Requests

I'd love to see her younger brother, Cesare - he's just as horrid as she is, though less talented with the arts and more business savvy. Can definitely think of them as business partners in the coming years.

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08 Mar 2025, 18:57

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