“Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.”
Notable Features
Eyes that are a bright blue and almost always lined with kohl, they are what one notices first when they really take Rory in.Rory has thick brown hair, kept short. It almost never lays flat.
Rory is almost always nursing some sort of injury. Body riddled with scars, cuts, scraps and bruises, bandages on his arms or over his fists are more accessories than treatments.
Rory has a thick beard, kept short but maintained, the same shade as his hair.
Rory likes jewelry, he has his ears pierced and he enjoys the look, even if it is falling out of fashion.
Personal Style
A true circus persona, when Rory is not purposefully dressing down to fit in with more propre company, he wears clothing that could be most aptly described as “thrown together.” Leather, durable, and usually darker in colour, Rory’s clothes are made to last, though they sport evidence of having been patched up over the years.Circumstances
A member of a visiting American circus, Rory spends the majority of his time with his large cats and other furry creatures. He prefers them over the more… Dramatic members of his troupe, anyways. When Rory isn’t performing, he is training, working to home his craft and improve his skills so that his adoptive daughter has someone to return to her at the end of the show.When he isn’t in the ring, he is taking care of Niamh, showing her London and encouraging her to be better than he ever was.
Health & Capabilities
Rory, in spite of all of the shit he has put his body through, is in relatively good shape. His skin is scarred and calloused, but tough with no terrible damage. He is muscular and fit enough to make a living stunting with whatever big cats take the stage alongside him, and he isn’t unfamiliar with throwing a punch or two inebriated. In short, Rory can take a hit and deliver rather harsh blows himself.A performer, technically, Rory has a good sense of rhythm, decent flexibility and is all-in-all the sort that should live a long while. If only he did not drink as much as he does…
Rory is a lower-class talent. Hardly someone exposed to luxury unless by some rich lady who had taken an interest in him. He is poor and funnels most of his money into his daughter’s needs or whatever vices strike his fancy. Cigars, dresses, whiskey and bonnets, the dichotomy of a single father’s purchases.Skills & Talents
Good with animals and gauging their behaviour, he is great with training different beasts. Mostly cats, big or small.Rory is good with a whip, both as a weapon and as a prop.
Rory is familiar with a good old brawl, while not having been trained, he fights with tenacity and he knows how to protect himself.
Rory’s father taught him how to play the fiddle. He is rusty, but it is enough to perform among friends.
Gambling, he says he is naturally lucky, though in truth it is one of the few things he approaches with an actual strategy. He is good enough that he keeps coming back to the tables.
Present Relationships
Niamh Gallagher - DaughterBran O'Donnell - Captivation
Playing cards, Rory is talented enough at them to keep coming back, but he does have a bit of a losing streak.Watching his fellow performers, often with Niamh, he loves to see their work pay off, though some of the more graphic acts he has to keep her eyes covered.
Boxing, but with poor form and a sharp reaction time, it is as makeshift as can be but it works.
Habits & Routines
Rory wears a ring on his index finger, one he rolls across his knuckles when he is nervous.Rory’s accent grows thicker when intoxicated.
Rory stutters when he tries to lie (which is hardly ever, perhaps part of the reason he is so honest).
Rory makes it his first priority to be, in spite of everything, kind. He wears his emotions plain on his face and does his best to surround himself with others who do the same. His compassion is always in good faith, but unfortunately, he lacks the aptitude to ensure that the results mirror the effort.Unintentionally, Rory is selfish. He is easily swayed by certain vices, whether it be alcohol, gambling, fighting or anything else that manages to catch his fancy, once it is caught it is rather difficult to relinquish. He tries to be a man of his word, but sometimes his will-power simply isn’t strong enough. He tries to make up for his errors and Rory is of the opinion that when it really counts, he shows up. Of course, that is incredibly subjective.
Contrarily, Rory is selfless in ways that don’t entirely make sense. He eats last, and is more than likely to give his own belongings away to others in need. He tries to help members of his community whenever he can and isn’t opposed to taking a few hits for a good cause. For his daughter, Rory busts his ass to ensure she has all her needs met, putting in far more effort than he would for himself. It is easy to let his needs fall to the wayside for someone else’s. For Rory, it comes as naturally as breathing.
Resilience is what brought Rory as far as he is. He can take a hit, both emotionally and physically. Rory is sure to keep his head above water and live to fight another day. Unfortunately, this has produced a side of him that is rather fond of the fight, of the gnawing ache that his life’s extremes have driven him to, and he’s nurtured a bit of an adrenaline addiction to show for it.
To add to his plight, Rory can be dense when it pertains to discerning someone’s true intent. He values honesty and is vocal about that, but does not have the pessimism to discern truth-tellers for himself. He doesn’t shy away from the occasional word games, but often needs to be directly told anything remotely positive. In short, Rory does not entirely believe he deserves good things.
Originally, Rory was the son to one Cillian Gallagher. Eclectic, brilliant and absolutely taken with the lovely, striking blue eyes of Noreen O’Brien, who met the very unfortunate fate of being Rory’s mother, an occupation that lasted for merely hours as she passed away in childbirth. His father, ever the anomaly, took the whole affair in stride, save for the crippling guilt and excruciatingly long grieving period, Cillian was an unstinting father. He was a man of science, one who spent his life travelling the world and exploring the unexplored, the unexplainable with a pen and notebook in hand to document his findings. He brought Rory along to accompany him, more often than was socially acceptable, so Rory spent his time learning to walk onboard voyages destined for all over the world, raised surrounded by the strangest creatures Cillian could manage to examine.Perhaps, that was where it had all gone wrong, for as doting as he was, Cillian was not exactly sane. He was kind, regardless of species, and tended to call Rory his mother’s name after a drink too many, because his eyes were just as bright, and he was just as enamoured with the world as she was. It hurt, at first, until Rory eventually learned to replace any weird, overly sentimental feelings with the rush of trailing his father through rainforests and murky swamps, with the adrenaline induced-feeling of escaping these biomes alive.
His childhood, a tumultuous affair that exposed Rory to what he considered, a diverse variety of people, animals and everything in between, was one rife with danger, adventure and most notably, companions of a very feline variety. As his father dragged him across western Asia, Rory found that after the people had become too much, the creatures that wandered the forests and the beaches made for much better company. As they travelled further east, it became more and more rare for Rory to interact with the other members of the expeditions, for instead he chose to hone his card-counting skills with the deckhands or his wrestling form with whatever big cat had bothered to become his friend once they had set up camp.
As he grew, Cillian’s parenting grew more and more negligent. He seemed satisfied with just being in Rory’s company, having no other expectations for his son other than for Rory to stay alive and near enough that Cillian would not drink away the memories of his long-dead love of his life. In short, Rory’s education was a haphazard process. He picked up a handful of tongues, but never learned how to read, he could tie all sorts of knots, but could not read a map or any sort of scientific diagram no matter how many times Cillian had locked him in their quarters with his work. In spite of what Cillian had insisted, it did not run in the family. Cillian’s care of himself had begun to slip as well, he had always been the type to lose himself in his work, but eventually it had become Rory’s responsibility to ensure his father was fed and watered, that he did not drink too much to let his genius suffer at the hand of a bottle.
Eventually, Cillian’s work led him to America and Rory followed suit, having known nothing but a life as his father’s handler. He was old enough to think for himself, but having gotten a taste of the unpredictability of his father’s work, Rory found he had no grand intentions to abandon it, even if he was far from scientifically minded.
The circus was an interest acquired after spending too long ashore. He was admittedly, drawn into the glitz and the glamour that a life as a performer seemed to reflect, and the prospects were even more enticing when the old (and, as Rory would later discover, incredibly tasty) lion tamer introduced him to the tigers they had as a part of their crew. It was as easy as that, for no matter the people he would have to deal with to stay close to his new, feline companions, Rory decided he would do anything to stay by their side.
It was probably for the best, that his father had seemingly gone into one of his fits, had forbade Rory (Noreen) from accompanying him, that the crew had finally had enough of the stowaway who could not even read his own name, but it was still incredibly strange to find himself with a fresh start in America, with a new family of faces that would eventually stop blending together.
He met Amelia later, after a night spent too similarly to his father, with too much money spent on drinks and I’m good company after a night of performances that did not go entirely the way he wanted them to. The first time, he had been all proper and had gotten a room in a local in, the next couple were poorly arranged rendezvous where they fell into bed in his meager quarters, surrounded by fellow performers. Probably not the elegance that he thought she deserved, but Amelia as a presence in his life was beginning to look less like a poor decision made in a moment of weakness and more like a routine.
They didn’t even sleep together, a good part of the time, content with doing a myriad of other activities with their time together, like watching the stars with their backs on rough, sturdy canvas, like playing cards or spending hours over a chalk slate until Rory could print his own name (and perhaps even, Amelia’s name alongside it.) It had gotten to the point that there was no reasonable deniability that Rory and Amelia were nothing but client and customer, especially since eventually, Rory had been introduced to Niamh, Amelia’s precious little daughter. She was not Niamh when Rory had first met her, but Amelia did not name her right away and was, ultimately, separated from them both before any such decisions could have been made.
Rory did not know who the father was, only that he was cruel, and that he was someone that Amelia was not in a position to deny, so when it appeared she would succumb to the same fate as Rory’s mother for a man so terrible that it made Rory’s performance injuries seem minor compared to whatever he did to Amelia, it was only too easy to agree to keep Niamh, keep her from her blood father and keep her as his own in case Amelia were to be unable to do so herself. In an ideal world, Rory would have taken them both away from all that, brought her across the world with him and his tigers, but he was far from rich or connected, far from resourceful or smart enough to do what was best, and Amelia had not lived too long after Niamh’s birth, so there was no use in dwelling.
Rory, with Niamh in his arms, had decided he understood what possessed Cillian to act as he did, but he had also pledged that he would not fall into those habits, no matter how tempting the pit of despair that he could fall into was.
The first years were difficult, Rory was not privileged enough to be able to care for Niamh constantly, or to hire someone to look after her full-time, but he found salvation with his new family, members of the circus who had it in their hearts to lend themselves to her care. It was not uncommon for there to be children raised in the circus, but usually it was not some strange little infant seemingly pulled from nowhere, still there was compassion for her, for him and his unceasing effort to raise Amelia’s child.
It seemed as if, against all odds, Niamh had bested all diseases and injuries that could spell her demise,it was clear that, as she grew, she had a sense of perseverance that could rival even the most daring and diligent of their crew, though this was an observation Rory made only to himself, as they could be quite competitive if they wanted.
When their circus finished their latest tour of America and had set their sights on Europe, Rory decided that this would be a great opportunity to show Niamh all she could be, she was already smarter than him, better with words and numbers than he had been at three time her age, and Rory wanted to show her a life that was not his. He was not his father, Rory would not forced Niamh into a life she did not want, but he secretly felt his heart soar as she cheered him on after each show, or when she would grab his hand and pull him through London’s streets and markets, eager to explore the world with him instead of in spite of him.
In between Niamh and his cats, Rory is all too pleased with his lot in life, now if only a certain tailor would stop making himself comfortable in the back of his mind, and if only Rory could get rid of the feeling that he was being watched.
Rory is of the opinion that there is probably something wrong with him. Like any other part of his life, Rory craves to feel. When it comes to sex, a sensation so desperately craved is pain. Physical is preferred, mental can be discussed. He is a giving lover, complying with his companion’s wants as long as his own are reciprocated. Rory does not shy away from being on the receiving end of more extreme blows, but has hardly any urges to deliver them. That being said, whips are not just exalted at his day-job.
It is difficult to find a woman willing to suit his desires, so he often finds himself hiring help.
It is difficult to find a woman willing to suit his desires, so he often finds himself hiring help.
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