Notable Features
Eyes that are a bright blue and almost always lined with kohl, they are what one notices first when they really take Rory in.Rory has thick brown hair, kept short. It almost never lays flat.
Rory is almost always nursing some sort of injury. Body riddled with scars, cuts, scraps and bruises, bandages on his arms or over his fists are more accessories than treatments.
Rory has a thick beard, kept short but maintained, the same shade as his hair.
Rory likes jewelry, he has his ears pierced and he enjoys the look, even if it is falling out of fashion.
Personal Style
A true circus persona, when Rory is not purposefully dressing down to fit in with more propre company, he wears clothing that could be most aptly described as “thrown together.” Leather, durable, and usually darker in colour, Rory’s clothes are made to last, though they sport evidence of having been patched up over the years.Circumstances
A member of a visiting American circus, Rory spends the majority of his time with his large cats and other furry creatures. When he isn’t performing, he is training, and when he isn’t in the ring, he is taking care of Niamh, showing her London and encouraging her to be better than he ever was.Health & Capabilities
Rory, in spite of all of the shit he has put his body through, is in relatively good shape. His skin is scarred and calloused, but tough with no terrible damage. He is muscular and fit enough to make a living stunting with whatever big cats take the stage alongside him, and he isn’t unfamiliar with throwing a punch or two inebriated. In short, Rory can take a hit and deliver rather harsh blows himself.A performer, technically, Rory has a good sense of rhythm, decent flexibility and is all-in-all the sort that should live a long while. If only he did not drink as much as he does…
Rory is a lower-class talent. Hardly someone exposed to luxury unless by some rich lady who had taken an interest in him. He is poor and funnels most of his money into his daughter’s needs or whatever vices strike his fancy. Cigars, dresses, whiskey and bonnets, the dichotomy of a single father’s purchases.Skills & Talents
Good with animals and gauging their behaviour, he is great with training different beasts. Mostly cats, big or small.Rory is good with a whip, both as a weapon and as a prop.
Rory is familiar with a good old brawl, while not having been trained, he fights with tenacity and he knows how to protect himself.
Rory’s father taught him how to play the fiddle. He is rusty, but it is enough to perform among friends.
Gambling, he says he is naturally lucky, though in truth it is one of the few things he approaches with an actual strategy. He is good enough that he keeps coming back to the tables.
Present Relationships
Niamh Gallagher - DaughterBran O'Donnell - Captivation
CircusHabits & Routines
Rory wears a ring on his index finger, one he rolls across his knuckles when he is nervous.Rory’s accent grows thicker when intoxicated.
Rory stutters when he tries to lie (which is hardly ever, perhaps part of the reason he is so honest).
Rory makes it his first priority to be, in spite of everything, kind. He wears his emotions plain on his face and does his best to surround himself with others who do the same. His compassion is always in good faith, but unfortunately, he lacks the aptitude to ensure that the results mirror the effort.Unintentionally, Rory is selfish. He is easily swayed by certain vices, whether it be alcohol, gambling, fighting or anything else that manages to catch his fancy, once it is caught it is rather difficult to relinquish. He tries to be a man of his word, but sometimes his will-power simply isn’t strong enough. He tries to make up for his errors and Rory is of the opinion that when it really counts, he shows up. Of course, that is incredibly subjective.
Contrarily, Rory is selfless in ways that don’t entirely make sense. He eats last, and is more than likely to give his own belongings away to others in need. He tries to help members of his community whenever he can and isn’t opposed to taking a few hits for a good cause. For his daughter, Rory busts his ass to ensure she has all her needs met, putting in far more effort than he would for himself. It is easy to let his needs fall to the wayside for someone else’s. For Rory, it comes as naturally as breathing.
Resilience is what brought Rory as far as he is. He can take a hit, both emotionally and physically. Rory is sure to keep his head above water and live to fight another day. Unfortunately, this has produced a side of him that is rather fond of the fight, of the gnawing ache that his life’s extremes have driven him to, and he’s nurtured a bit of an adrenaline addiction to show for it.
To add to his plight, Rory can be dense when it pertains to discerning someone’s true intent. He values honesty and is vocal about that, but does not have the pessimism to discern truth-tellers for himself. He doesn’t shy away from the occasional word games, but often needs to be directly told anything remotely positive. In short, Rory does not entirely believe he deserves good things.
IrishScience father
Gone mom
fuckdd in ze head
Dad left him in America
Homies w a hooker
Ah she’s got a daughter
Omg she’s dead
Met a tailor Surgeon (fine af)
Rory is of the opinion that there is probably something wrong with him. Like any other part of his life, Rory craves to feel. When it comes to sex, a sensation so desperately craved is pain. Physical is preferred, mental can be discussed. He is a giving lover, complying with his companion’s wants as long as his own are reciprocated. Rory does not shy away from being on the receiving end of more extreme blows, but has hardly any urges to deliver them. That being said, whips are not just exalted at his day-job.
It is difficult to find a woman willing to suit his desires, so he often finds himself hiring help.
It is difficult to find a woman willing to suit his desires, so he often finds himself hiring help.