Written by Cadence since 08 Dec 2024, 23:04
"That is all I want in life: for this pain to seem purposeful."

Time Zone



Face Claim

Vassili Schneider

Visible Age

Mid twenties


Dark blond, curly and almost always tucked under a cap. He hates when it’s in his eyes.


Washed-out hazel and half there





Notable Features

‧₊°𒈔 Most notably, the space where Étienne’s left eye should be is covered by an eye-patch. His remaining eye is a light hazel colour.

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne has medium length (for a man) brownish blond hair, curly and rather soft, not that he would let anyone close enough to touch it.

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne’s accent is gruff, incredibly French and difficult to understand, it does not help that he has a tendency to mumble and doesn’t make much sense in his mother tongue anyways.

Personal Style

Étienne is often cold, so he is almost always wearing a coat or various layers. He prefers warmer materials, like wool or fur, and beaver-hide gloves, even when it isn’t the most socially acceptable.
Lt. E Beaudroit


Bookshop clerk


‧₊°𒈔 Tonkin commemorative medal, for his time served in the Sino-French war.

‧₊°𒈔 A ring with a portrait inside, the face has been scratched out and the ring is never worn, but he cherishes it nonetheless.

Relationship Status



Spending time with his aunt’s family in London. They own a pleasant rare bookshop just off of Oxford Street in north London and he spends most of his time managing the establishment in exchange for room and board above it.

He is trying to retain some sense of normalcy, regain his mind and his sense of self after leaving the French military behind. His parents urge him to find himself, or at least someone to ground him to the world once more. A creature of terrible routine, he does nothing but manage the bookshop and go to church, aside from when the monotony gets to be too overwhelming, then he decides to spiral downwards until he eventually has to pick himself up again.

Health & Capabilities

Étienne is physically healthy, aside from the glaringly obvious and the mental implications of having survived seeing action at sea. He is muscular with an immune system that had been put to the test by his years at sea. His most notable shortcoming is his terrible tolerance for alcohol, though he handles most other substances just fine.


Étienne’s family does not want for much. His parents are well enough to ensure all of his needs are met. Far from materialistic, Étienne’s spending habits are minimal, he does not buy extravagant clothes or liquors and prefers the rather disgusting taste of cheap tobacco.

Skills & Talents

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne has a knack for anything rope related, weaving nets, securing knots and anything of the sort have always been relatively easy for him to manage, a skill that has only been honed over time.

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne is an excellent whistler.

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne speaks French and has passable grasps on both English and Mandarin.

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne is a good navigator and mathematician.

Present Relationships

‧₊°𒈔 Caroline Beaudroit - Étienne’s mother and the daughter of a family of Swiss immigrants to France.

‧₊°𒈔 Joseph Beaudroit - Étienne’s father and a French architect.

‧₊°𒈔 Maria Stewart (née Beaudroit) - Étienne’s paternal aunt.

‧₊°𒈔 Andrew Stewart - Maria’s husband and the owner of STEWART’S BOOKS.

‧₊°𒈔 Martha Stewart - Étienne’s cousin.

‧₊°𒈔 Laura Stewart- Étienne’s other cousin.

‧₊°𒈔 Julie Stewart - Étienne’s other, other cousin.
He/Him ∙ Male




Lou, Louis, Lucky


The Orphan




‧₊°𒈔 Smoking ‧₊°𒈔 Eating sweets ‧₊°𒈔 Boxing ‧₊°𒈔 Fishing ‧₊°𒈔 Sleeping ‧₊°𒈔 Trying (and failing) to convince the strays surrounding the shop to come near him.

Habits & Routines

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne squeezes the back of his neck when he is nervous

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne has quite the hidden sweet tooth, if there is a patisserie nearby (and if his wallet can bear the burden) he will always become a patron.

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne goes boxing as frequently as he can manage.

‧₊°𒈔 Étienne, when he cannot think of the word, uses its french counterpart (or the closest thing he can think of), or he just makes a noise.


Étienne’s loftiest dream, above the gold, the success and whatever else a man of his calibre should desire, is to be seen.

At first glance, Étienne is not so different from a statue. Angular features always set into some sort of stern expression, he is practically the antithesis of emotive. At least, that is the first impression he gives off, something Étienne had previously treated as a strength.

He is of the opinion that he feels quite deeply, but either due to his own psyche or his time spent serving his country, Étienne’s actions and words do not usually aptly portray his most complex thoughts and desires. He is often considered brash or too harsh with his words, especially in English, where words have thirteen different meanings and none of them are the ones he actually wants.

Étienne is not too trusting, it takes effort to earn his companionship, but he is loyal to a fault and not quiet about his allegiance. He is the sort to praise his accomplices when they aren’t there, and the sort to throw a punch or pick up a rapier for them as well. His love runs as deep as his trust and while it is hard to earn them, it is even more difficult to cut him loose once you have him.

More mundanely, he is one to openly show his fondness or dislike of something, though usually through a glare more evident than his default expression. While he isn’t the most talkative, it is generally easy to gauge how he feels about more superficial things — foods, weather, clothing — it is when it really matters that the waters grow muddy.

Date of Birth

13 May 1864

Past Relationships

‧₊°𒈔 Achille Quemper - Étienne, at one point, would have died for this man.


As a baby, Étienne never wept, never screamed, never threw tantrums or called for nothing in the wee hours of the morning. For a family with five girls already and no son that managed to live longer than infancy, healthy, quiet Étienne was practically a gift from god. All they could ever want, all they could possibly need.

Until, slowly but surely, the Beaudroit family realised that Étienne was rather strange, as far as little French babies were concerned. Yes, he never screamed or whinged, but he didn’t seem to laugh much either, and where his sisters had begun to babble and blather, Étienne only met cooing and prompting with steady silences. He was, indubitably, a strange boy, but he was a boy and so he was cherished and guarded. It may have taken him more than long enough to start speaking, and even then, he could hardly be described as talkative, but he was healthy, he was easy to manage and he was a he. Sufficient in all the ways that mattered.

It seemed that Étienne was destined to be a man of action. Words did not come easily to him, as interested as he pretended to be in his studies or the stories his sisters would obsess over, there was something they had he was unable to replicate. While maths and geography seemed to fall into place in his mind like puzzle pieces, he was abysmal in his French classes, worse in his English and an absolute terror among the other students who decided to prod him into action.

He was far from social, a boy of few words who would grow into a man who spoke more with his fists than his tongue, His temper was obvious, though not ever-present. In his younger years, he responded quite viscerally to taunting and provoking, and when his cheeks rouged with indignance and his tongue lodged itself in his throat, he found a good beating worked better than an essay or a dissertation ever would.

It went like that for longer than Étienne would care to admit, now. He tried for his parents, to keep his anger subdued and his head down in his study material. His father was of the opinion that Étienne was intelligent enough. An architect, someone who preferred numbers over scripts, Étienne supposed they had that in common, though he found that he could never figure out how to express himself through using his words. A point of soreness that would no doubt fix itself into his life for until the end of time, but one that Étienne had eventually learned to live with. By the time he had received his CEP, (a feat dubbed remarkable by his peers, the ones that didn’t hate him started calling him Lucky in spite of his protests. Étienne surely hated them when it stuck.) Étienne had learned how to let his fury simmer into something more manageable, exchange it for passion as he advanced farther into his life.

Over a decade after Étienne was brought into the world, the Beaudroits welcomed little Edgar Beaudroit into the world. Sickly, giggly and everything Étienne was not. That meant nothing though, as becoming an older brother brought out a gentleness Étienne did not know he possessed as he spent as much time as was acceptable with his little brother, hoping and aching with his whole being that Edgar would live to walk, then run, then ride with him across the sprawling fields as Étienne had taken to doing when the world of men would become too much for him to manage.

At just past two decades of attempting to avoid disappointing his family anymore than he already had, he found himself being sent to The École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr, where, in spite of his shortcomings, Étienne would spend the next three years of his life dedicated to his country. His family finally had their efforts rewarded, as sickly little Edgar grew into a young man with intellect sharp enough to continue in the path of their father, and the commission purchased for Étienne resulted in him graduating Saint-Cyr as a lieutenant.

And so he joined the French Navy in their effort against the Chinese in the Tonkin war, where he found himself under the command of one Achille Quemper, a man who was unique in every sense of the word, the man who would eventually become Étienne’s brother in every way but blood.

He participated in the war for a long, grueling year, stationed in Quang Yen until he eventually followed Captain Quemper into battle aboard the Podarge. The battle of Fuzhou was one that even Étienne could label a victory, the battle of Tamsui that followed had him escaping to his countrymen by the skin of his teeth, without his captain and a majority of his crew. Hollow in ways that Étienne could not, cannot describe, he stayed East and attempted to continue his service to his country, though his falling head-over-heels for a Vietnamese local called Võ Tất Ahn was hardly patriotic.

It was a short, sweet love affair, exposing Étienne to the sort of warmth he wasn’t aware was within his capabilities to experience. Ahn’s french was elementary, mediocre at best, but Étienne was hardly the most outspoken, and perhaps he had confused passion with love, but it was definitely heartbreak he had felt when they were ripped away from each other permanently, as Ahn was killed by Étienne’s fellow frenchmen.

As the year of war drew to a head, Étienne found himself pushing all notions of love aside for the much easier to digest sentiment of national pride and, after losing his eye in the battle of shipu and regaining his captain, he returned home to where his family waited with open arms and baited breath for the broken version of him that they had received.

Most recently, after months of moping and mourning for someone he probably shouldn’t be missing and falling out of contact with most of his fellow soldiers and sailors, his father had arranged to sent Étienne to London with his passable English and his general gloom to man his brother-in-law’s bookshop, a change of scenery and a bit of a last-minute attempt to instill his eldest son with a sense of normalcy, so he does not haunt the halls of their home like the spirits of his dead comrades haunt his dreams.

Étienne does not want to tell his parents he is a lost cause, realistically he does not know.

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