
Activity requirements, missing AC, and account reactivation

Categories: Applications, Rules & Expectations

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We have done our level best to find a reasonable balance between "the game needs activity to thrive" and "we are all adults who have other things on our plates." Yes, we do have a monthly activity requirement, which includes taking the time to submit it, but we've tried to keep things flexible. We assume you're here to write, so it shouldn't be difficult to meet.

Activity Requirement

400 words per character account per calendar month. Your total word count may be spread out over as many posts as necessary within the month, although per our member guidelines, we presume your posts will be substantive enough to not require more than three.

How do I find my post count? At the bottom of each post, the word count will be displayed. Further instructions for submission can be found in the Activity Check forum.

How long do I have to submit? Approximately the full month plus seven days. The new AC thread will be posted on or around the first of the new month. If you meet the requirement early, please feel free to submit early, as this helps the mods spread the workload across the month.

Please note that the additional week added onto the submission period after the end of the month is for submission purposes only. Any activity only counts for the calendar month it is posted in.

Missing AC

Please note that a failure to submit AC constitutes a failure to meet AC.

Character accounts may miss up to three months, consecutive or non-consecutive, within a 12 month period and remain active. Once the 12 months is past, the missed month (aka strike) "drops off." (For example, if a character missed AC in February 2025, that strike would no longer be counted against the character as of February 1, 2026.)

Missed months may be made up by submitting up to one additional AC per character in subsequent months.

Potentially missed months may be avoided altogether by purchasing and using a hiatus token per character before the month in question is over.

Three consecutive (ie, in a row) missed months result in the player being banned from submitting new applications for the next six months. The player may make up these strikes to avoid the character being archived, but the ban is fixed for those six months.

Archived Characters

If AC is missed for a character for four months within a 12 month span, the character's points will be transferred to their player's account, the character account will be archived, their FC will become available, and if the character is a site canon, the character themselves will become available for applications.

You may request a character in good standing be archived at any time. Please be aware that the same conditions apply as above regarding FCs and canons becoming available.

Account Reactivation

If a character has not been applied for by someone else in the interim, characters archived for AC may be reactivated via a reactivation token, which is available for purchase with points. If you do not have enough points and do not have a current character to earn them, you will need to write replies to existing threads off-site that will earn you enough points, and then contact the mods about reactivating in good faith so you can post them. If you don't have a thread waiting for a reply, you may need to ask a player with an active character to start one for you. Once your character's account has been reactivated, you will need to make your needed posts, purchase the reactivation token, and then let the mods know.

Characters archived in good standing may be reactivated for free.

Regarding Changes to Reactivated Characters

Minor changes to characters you wish to reactivate are allowed. However, anything that substantially changes who the character is or their circumstances will qualify as a new application rather than a reactivation, and needs to go through the app process.

Special Circumstances

If you have overwhelming special circumstances such as health or family issues, please reach out to a mod when you're able. Special accommodations may be made on a case-by-case basis.
Are you at least 21-years-old?
You must be at least 21 to use our site.