Player Requirements & Expectations
Who can join us, and guidelines for behavior
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[Knowledge Base - Player Requirements & Expectations](
Be 21-years-old or older.
TGG is a site run by adults for adults and features adult content. In RPG Rating parlance, we are 333: Swearing, explicit sexual content, and violence are all permitted. Players do not have to write adult content to participate here.Why not allow players 18 and over? At 18, a person could still be in high school. Not technically a minor, but not an age we feel comfortable writing mature themes with. We don't need anyone's parent or guardian asking why we're corrupting their child.
Treat people with kindness as a baseline behavior.
"Kindness" might seem pretty straightforward, but we've learned over the years that explicitly stating expectations works out better for everyone, even if it's just to reassure us all we're on the same page. Apart from generic kindness, here are some reminders specific to our situation:- Favoring one writer or plot arc can make your other partners feel like shit. We all have our favorites, or maybe you have a thread with someone who intimidates you and are shy to reply; there are reasons why you might feel more inclined to burrow into your happy/comforting place. But please keep in mind that the other folks writing with you can feel shunted aside if they see you're tagging elsewhere and neglecting them. Please be aware, and communicate!
- If you find yourself talking negatively behind others' backs, it may be time for a break from the site. We're all friends here! Nothing happening here is serious enough that it requires creating or perpetrating negativity. Our activity requirements are built so that you have the flexibility to take breaks as-needed. If you start feeling angry or upset, please take the rest of the day or even week away — There's nothing like real life to make the internet feel remote and trivial.
- Remember that we're all just nerds on the internet, and we all have our own challenges! Always assuming the best of people can sometimes be difficult, especially when you're struggling with your own issues, but we are all complex beings just doing our best.
- Everyone wants positive attention. And the great thing about being nice is it incites more niceness, not to mention that it is scientifically proven that being kind to others helps you feel better about yourself. It costs you nothing to cheer on your fellow writers in small ways, but the return on that effort is exponential: It makes for happier partners, a happier you, and a better site culture.
Adjust expectations with an eye toward patience, understanding and respect for staff and fellow players.
Continuing from the above, we wanted to explicitly ask that players treat not only each other but staff with the same patience and kindness they themselves would like to receive. The staff are real people with real lives beyond this site. We do not get paid for managing this work of love! This is a no judgment zone! — We don't want to be treated like your boss, so please remember we're just trying to keep things fair and fun and comfortable for everyone.Put forth effort in each post, and not “phone in” replies. Quality always over quantity.
You know when you do a low-effort post. It can be extremely disappointing and frustrating for your writing partners, and it also brings down the quality of the site, which no one wants.To ensure your posts are thoughtful:
- Make sure each post contains at least one "hook." By "hook," we mean "an element for your partner to reply to." This could be an inciting action by your character, or as simple as asking a question that requires elaboration (ie, not "common pleasantries" like asking about the weather). Ask yourself, how is my reply furthering this story?
- Most posts should probably be at least 100 words. There are exceptions: You might have a short post that is thoughtful because it is incredibly impactful, but these are very rare.
Communicate with writing partners.
"Talk to each other" is one of our favorite mantras here, and remember to assume positive intent! It can be intimidating writing with someone new, unsure if you're on the same page with someone, or just someone you admire or feel intimidated by, but the best way to ensure everybody writes their best and has a good time here is to keep the lines of communication open, and to use them!Do not utilize out-of-character knowledge to inform in-character actions.
The oldest RPG rule in the book, but it still applies.Reply to tags in a reasonable amount of time, and be communicative with staff and players when unable to do so.
A "reasonable amount of time" is going to be about 7 days. Please avail yourself of the #player-status Discord channel for general personal status updates and notes about delays. For absences you believe will be longer than a week, please use Hiatus Notices.If you have a critical plot arc going on with someone, it's also always nice to personally let them know when you might be delayed, if possible.